"I messed up. Big time and we have to leave now." Kayla said looking at her feet.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" Stef screamed at her.

"Look I can explain-" Kayla was cut off by Ciara.

"It wasn’t just her, it was me too."

"And me." Bunny added.

"What happened?" Stef asked looking to Nick for some sort of answer, she received nothing. The two younger boys stood behind Ciara not comprehending the problems in front of them.

"Stef please, if you stay here you’ll get arrested too. Please just come with us." Kayla begged. Stef sighed and shook her head. She was not thinking correctly anymore.

"You have to go pack." Bunny said.

"Ok. I’ll pack." Stef whispered as her voice shook. She wasn’t good with these kinds of situations. She especially hated leaving home and not knowing where she was going. Stef went to her room packed a bag and grabbed her guitar. That was it. Good bye Waynesboro, tiny town of terror. This was no longer home for any of them. Home was within each other now. They were accomplices in crime. A team.  

They had been walking for several hours. Through the woods, back paths, valley ways, anything way they could find that was away from the public. Bunny lead the way to their hideout house. She told the others that when she was a kid her and her sister had to hide out in the house for a week because her sister had gotten into some trouble.

Bunny said it was a nice little house on abounded farmland. That was miles away from any civilization. They were all getting tried from walking. It was around 5PM, the gang had started this sly escape at 3AM. That was fifth teen hours of pure walking, sometimes they even had to run if they heard sirens or saw a police car. Luckily they got away without anyone’s notice.

"So when can we stop walking, Buns." Stef asked.

"Soon. We can set up camp for the night and then we will continue walking again tomorrow.

"I’m hungry."

"Yeah, and my feet hurt." Jay and Leo complained as they continued walking.

"Just a little longer boys." Kayla assured them with a smile as she picked up the seven year old, Jay.

"Hey! Why does he get to be carried?" Leo wined.

"Hay is for horses." Kayla said jokingly to the boy. Leo crosses his arms and pouted as they all continued to walk. Kayla looked over to her girlfriend who hadn’t said really anything the whole journey. Mostly because Stef was so disappointed in her friends that they could mess up this bad. She knew Kayla was always one for getting into some trouble, but never this bad. The rag-tag team was still hiking their way through a trail through a park when Bunny stopped everyone.

"We’re gonna set up camp here for tonight." She said; motioning to a medium sized ditch, surrounded by two huge boulders. "It’s supposed to get cold. Did anyone bring blankets?" She looked around to everyone. "Ok, great, we’ll use our clothing."

"Can we build a fire?" Ciara questioned.

"No, we’d be seen." Nick answered. Once everyone had been settled in for the night; wrapped in excessive amounts of their own clothing and all eating chocolate pop-tarts Bunny had brought along, they began to quietly chat. They talked about childhood memories, what a lovely October night it was, how you could see the stars through the trees, high school, but none of them brought up why exactly they were all running away. That was until Leo and Jay fell asleep, then Stef spoke up, "So who the fuck is going to tell me what’s going on?" There was a moment of silence.

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