I wish (A Zayn Malik Fan Fiction)

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I saw him with her slow dancing; it tears me apart because I know he was so happy with her I wish that was me. It breaks my heart every time I see him with her. Whenever he kissed her I am breaking. I am slowly dying. I was his best friend, since we were in our diapers; he was my knight and shining amour. He's my prince and I wish I could be his princess but I guess it will never gonna happen, because he was with somebody else. If only I could turn back time. I would definitely do it.


"Hey Anna I got in?" he said with a wide smile in his face.

"Oh my god! Is that true? Wow I can't believe it" I hugged him

"Yeah me too. I cannot believe it at first i audition as a solo performer then they put me into a group" he said with excitement on his voice.

"Finally the country will hear you singing I am so proud of you Zayniee"

"You are supposed to be proud of me, coz you have a best friend with such amazing voice" I poked him

"haha so boastful huh! So well good luck Zaynie"

"Hmmm... I will missed you"

"You'll going to leave?" with a sad on my face.

"Yes, I promise I'll going to text you or even call you to bring some good news or even bad. We will still communicate with each other I promise" then he hugged me.

"Ok then!"

"Hey don't be sad! Aren't you happy because finally I could reach my dreams?"

"I am but I'm not used when you're not around"

"Everything we'll be fine. :)"

That was the exact conversation before Zayn's leave.

The past weeks are so hard without Zayn by my side. I am not used to it I still miss him. But I am happy for Zayn. I know his doing his best just to win in the competition. We still text and call each other. But not as always like before. Once a week we see each other. Things went roughly as the competition arises. Zayn was so busy. He has forgotten about me. He never calls like the way we used too. He never texted me like the old times. I was so sad but I understand him. He was so close to his dreams and I don't wantt to be the reason for ruining it. But I am slowly breaking I wish I could tell him that I love him. I should tell him before he leave, but I have no guts to tell him I was so afraid that he might not feel the same way. But what if he was also feeling the same way! So many what if's in my mind, so many regrets? Whenever I saw him in the TV or I hear his voice on the radio I want to shout to the world that "that's my best friend singing" but the sad part was I was forgotten by my one and only best friend, I was forgotten by one and boy I love. It hurts like hell seeing him with other girls. I also get jealous to the boys because they are with Zayn and I was here watching him a far. He's used to be best friend was now one of his invisible fans. My thoughts are killing me when I am reminiscing our past. He's so close but yet so far.

I put all my courage I need to talk to him. I called his number but it was out of service. He changed his phone number. So many questions are running to my mind. I guess it's over! He was so unreachable. He promised that we'll still going to communicate but he broke his promises. Well I guess promises are ment to be broken. I visited Tricia Zayn's mom and give her an invitation card to my 18th birthday. I hoped and prayed that Zayn could go there but there's no chance. Tricia said that the boys are in US to promote their album and it was the exact day that they'll be in US. I was so sad. So I end up cancelling my party. So depressed I cry as hard as I can.

Then the dreadful news came out that Zayn and Perrie Edwards are dating. My heart is shattered in a million pieces. It was like someone spilled a bucket of cold water on me. Then one day Zayn confirmed that he and Perrie was an official couple. I was frozen and tears are quickly escaping in my eyes, I was hurt, but what can I do? I am just his ex best friend, I shouldn't be mad but I can't help it. I love him.

Whenever Zayn looked at Perrie's eyes. I got jealous why he can't look at me like her.

My tongue gets tied! The words get trapped I always wanted to tell him I love him but no words are coming out on my mouth.

She was a damn one lucky girl. She got what I want and what I need.

If only time, could just turn back because I got three little words that I've always been dying to tell him I LOVE HIM.

With his hands on her waist while they dance in the moonlight I wish it was me dancing with him in the moonlight.

I wish it was me that Zayn's call later on cause he's wanna say good night

I wish it was me that he was saying the words I love you, but it will never gonna be me. It was her it was PERRIEEDWARDS and now I am just one of the million GIRLS that are longing to be noticed by him. I was an ordinary fan for him. I am invisible to him because all that he can see was her. All that he's longing for was her.

OH I WISH WE COULD BE THE SAME LIKE THE WAY WE USED TO BE. Zayn was just a simple boy and I was the only girl who clapped and cheer for him when he sings. He's only best friend. :(

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