Just My Type

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This is a joint project between me and my co-writer/beta SoraKeki.


I had this idea I really wanted to write, but was lost at times and didn't know how to make it move on. So a massive thank you, for taking it up with me and stringing me along the hard road of writing it out.

A special thanks go to all the people who gave me new perspectives and ideas along the way. You know who you are. ;)

This story idea came to my mind when I heard the refrain of NF's - Lie

Enjoy :)

Just my type

Draco crept down the hall as quietly as possible. There was no way he wanted to be seen if he was going to meet Harry in secret tonight. They had made arrangements to meet in the Room of Requirement and Draco had an important matter about their relationship to discuss with Harry.

The two had been a couple for almost two long years now and still, nobody even knew about them. At the time they had started dating, the war was still going on. So they had decided to keep it a secret. Harry had been afraid of losing his friends and the only family figures he had left. He also wanted to keep Draco safe from his father. Who knew what would've happened if Lucius Malfoy found out that his only son was bent, and also dating the enemy.

Draco had similar fears about his father, and his closest friends were on the same side as him. He had no one he could confide in, that wouldn't think he had gone barking mad. It also didn't help that the Dark Lord and a bunch of the worst Death Eaters were living in his family's home at the time. Given that Draco and Harry had hated each other so passionately for the last five years, no one would suspect a thing. But in reality, they secretly had a massive crush on each other.

But now two years later, the war is over, those looming death threats behind them. Draco's father is locked away in Azkaban. Most of the Death Eaters had been rounded up and caught, so that wasn't a concern anymore to either Draco or Harry. Harry's side had won the war, and little to anyone's knowledge Draco had actually helped him, by passing on critical information, in any way he could at the time though mostly with their secretly linked coins. They were finally free to be with each other now, they both knew that the public would still react badly to such news of "light and dark" together. But they were in love, so Draco was willing to take the risk.

However, Harry was still afraid to bring them out into the open. Draco could understand that but it was still frustrating, having to play hide and seek with his own boyfriend. He felt more and more like a dirty little secret the longer they snuck around. He wanted to finally tell everyone about them since he had grown to love Harry more and more with each passing day. His friends who didn't know he was already in a relationship, kept trying to set him up with different girls saying he should get out more. Draco was also fed up with girls constantly asking Harry out on a regular basis. He had become even more popular since he defeated the Dark Lord.

Just my typeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant