She made to leave, but caught herself, thinking of the blonde upstairs. She hesitated and spun on her heel. She hadn't seen him leave, but she could have just missed him. It's not like she'd expected him to say goodbye on his way out. She felt silly checking to see if he was still here. Surely he would have left by now.

Hermione stilled in the doorway, catching sight of the striking blonde figure hunched in his chair. His elbows rested on his knees, his face in his hands. He looked so small then, like a flower bud in a vase full of blooms. He had such a dominating presence in a room, but there was none of that now as he sat there curled in on himself.

Hermione hesitated.

"What do you want, Granger?" he demanded, his voice muffled in his palms. Hermione stood silent, caught off by his sixth sense and the dead tone of his voice. His head shot up and turned to meet her eyes when she didn't respond. His gray eyes were stone cold, his emotions tightly locked away behind his harsh expression.

Hermione fumbled to string together her words.

"You eaten?" was all she managed to say.

"What?" he sneered. Hermione cleared her throat.

"Have you eaten?" she repeated.

"Are you offering to bring me dinner now too?" Draco laughed humorlessly. Hermione straightened her spine.

"No, actually. I was just on my way out and figured you might be hungry. I honestly didn't expect I'd still find you here." Draco raised a perfect eyebrow at her.

"What has the world come to where Hermione bloody Granger asks if I want to get food with her," he smirked, shaking his head. Hermione's fists clenched at her sides.

"I was just trying to be nice," she muttered.

"You know, Granger, you don't have to fucking be nice," he spat.

"And you don't have to be so bloody irritable," she narrowed her eyes at him. They glared at each other for a few heartbeats before he huffed in annoyance and turned away.

"I know the hospital can be a little... confining," she continued, her fingers pulling at the bottom of her sweater. He simply ignored her.

"Forget it," she said, and turned on her heel, not allowing herself to look back. Her feet didn't stop moving until she was out on the street. She closed her eyes and tilted her head to the sky, finally releasing the breath she'd been holding. Her eyes remained closed even as she felt a warm presence materialize behind her.

"Daydreaming, Granger?" his voice teased behind her ear. She rolled her eyes and forced herself to face him.

"Just waiting for you to catch up," she taunted.

"Yeah, well, don't read too much into this. I'm only here because the hospital food is fucking awful. I don't exactly prefer your company."

"What makes you so sure I'm thrilled by yours," she jabbed.

"Fair enough," Draco chuckled. "But I'd like to point out that you did ask me."

"And I'm already regretting it," she chirped.

Draco smirked. "Good."

Hermione groaned, and started off down the street, not caring to check if he was following her. She led them to a nearly empty pub, craving a quiet atmosphere. A bell above the door chimed as they walked through, but no one inside turned to spare them a glance. A few elderly men sat at the bar, nursing their drinks. Hermione picked the nearest booth and slid into it. Draco seemed skeptical about following her actions, but, against his better judgement, he took the seat across from her.

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