A little hurt

397 10 2

C- w- what?
D- I love you . ever since the day I saw I always knew there was something special about you , and i'm so sorry i've kept this from you , I just couldn't hurt you
C- you already did
D- you don't get it , I don't want you involved in this , that's why i didn't tell you
D- just please understand why and please don't leave me your the only thing I have
C- you have blaise and the others , I just can't do this malfoy i'm sorry
* she gives him a kiss on the cheek *

H- why are you crying ?
C- it doesn't matter
H- what happened
C- me and draco
H- fight?
C -yeah uhm I don't think we're together anymore
H- what happened you guys just got together TODAY
C- i'll tell you later I gotta go
H- love you , come by me and gins dorm okay you can sleep in there tonight
C- okay

~couple of hooligans ~
B- why's draco crying ?
G-crying ?
P- what'd you do cassandra
C- nothing
B- what happened malfoy
*draco malfoy left the group *
H- guys just stop okay it's their business
N- i'm coming to your dorm cassandra let me in
C- neville why
N- just open your door

*he arrived at her dorm *
C- what do you -
*she was cut off by a hug *
C- what?
N- give him another chance
N- malfoy
C- what do you mean
N- the others don't know do they ? about his mark
C- you do?
N- he told me , and don't get mad at him , I was the one who said not to tell you
C- ne-
N- but listen it was for your own good , if you knew and the dark lord found out , idek what what have happened to you , just please go talk to him
C- i think he hates me
N- why
C- he told me he loved me
N- let me guess you didn't say it back ?
C- nope
N- you bloody idiot
C- I was upset
N- well do you love him
C- more than anything , I'm just scared
N- Of?
C-loosing him
N- than let him know
C- he doesn't even wanna talk to me
N- how do you know . did he say that?
C- no bu-
N- text him , ask him to meet up and let him know
C- thank nev , I love you
N- love you too hasey

I think i love  you draco malfoy Where stories live. Discover now