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Tagged by the lovely thisisnotafamilyshow

I. Reason behind username 

So it was supposed to say "Ashitaba", which means 'tomorrows leaf' but I fucked up and misspelled it

II. Biggest weakness 

I'm really scared of the dark so I cant really do anything without a light

III. Biggest strength

Probably my ability to lie so well? I know it sounds bad but it's really helpful when you wanna give a bitch at your school detention

IV. Piercings

I used to have my ears pierced but I gave up on theme lmao. I had to put bandages or duct tape on them when i played soccer so i ripped them out.

V. Favorite bands

💛 5sos, 1D and Nirvana 💛

VI. Last dream

I was making fireworks with Fred and George Weasley. Best dream of my life btw

VII. Phobias

Submechanophobia -- 

fear of man-made objects that are submerged under water. People who report experiencing this state that they are afraid of things like buoys, submarines, sunken ships, and many other things that sink into the ocean

Trypanophobia --

 The fear of injections.

Trypophobia -- 

is an aversion to the sight of irregular patterns or clusters of small holes or bumps. It is not officially recognized as a mental disorder, but may be diagnosed as a specific phobia if excessive fear and distress occur. People may express only disgust to trypophobic imagery.

VIII. Favorite film

All of the barbie movies 

IX. Hair color


X. Favorite Model

Don't have one! I know i'd compare myself to them so I choose not to look at any^^

XI. Favorite flower


XII. Cats or dogs


XIII. Favorite holiday


XIV. Last thing I ate 


XV. Lucky number


XVI. Name


XVII. Perfect date

Going to a drive in movie and "accidentally" spilling my drink on my shirt so they have to give me their hoodie

XVIII. Things I hate

When you stomp on bugs for no fucking reason. The poor soul did nothing to you asshole.. And when you move the pan on the stove and it makes a scratching sound.

XIX. Things I love

Draco, all my wattpad friends, shifting, Specifically Five and Klaus from TUA, QuackityHQ, so mostly all the people I simp for? yeah-

XX. What I love and hate about myself 

Love -- How I can think of something right before I sleep and have that exact dream the way i was thinking. I think its cool lol

Hate -- I have no modovation most of the time, which gets me in tight spaces sometimes but whatever


@Bookg1rl @clemXx @1Dmysaviour @luvparkinson- @OllieDaWriter3721 @DeppressedPromQueen @1-800-HARRYISCUTE @-L0LITA @SilentGreekArcher @Miraculous096 @jamespotterslut @vybing @1-800-GALAXY 

ANywayS uH- im gonna stop here because I forgot the rest of the roman numerals so bYe

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