Part 30 - Early Morning

Start from the beginning

Even with Mako, Asami came out second best. Asami knew Mako never really loved her after she saw the way he felt about Korra. Mako cared a lot about Asami, but he was never really in love with her. Not the way he was in love with Korra at least. It's what made her so jealous. Once again, Asami was made to be nothing but a pretty face with a nice body. That's the only reason as to why Mako kept running back to her, He was bored. And it explained why he only came back to her when Korra was out of the picture. There was no one from him to get anything from.

Asami was tired of being second best, it hurt all to much. To put so much effort into someone and have it all be for nothing because they chose to pick someone better you. Asami has felt like this her whole life. So many people have left her. And she was sick of it. This is why she takes so much pride in her business. Now? Everyone takes her business seriously. They know who she is, what she's capable of, what she can do. People don't question her ability to make something amazing, she was never second best when she ran her company. She always came out on top.

You're probably wondering 'Why is Asami with Korra then if she was so jealous of her? Why she doesn't hate her?' Most girls would be petty and rude to the girl that outshined them. They would be pretty to a girl that stole their boyfriend right from under their nose. It tended to be a default setting in women. But Korra... she was different. After everything went down between Mako and them, both girls were both done with his bullshit. Korra realized how stupid their boy drama was, and she began to get close with Asami. Over time, Korra made Asami feel important. She made her feel special, cared for, loved. Korra has never questioned Asami's worth. She never doubted her work either. The avatar always put her complete trust into her, even when they were just friends. It might be from the fact that Korra understands how it feels to be a woman with power, the kind of threats they are to the world. That's why Asami was so in love with Korra. She makes her feel a way no one has ever made her feel.

In Korra's eyes, Asami Sato was the best it was going to get.

After sometime, Asami had finally finished doing her make up and started to get dressed in her usual color scheme. Today Asami was wearing a black skirt that reached just above her knee with a simple red button up that was tucked into the skirt. Underneath the skirt Asami wore black stockings that clipped to the hem of her underwear to make sure they didn't fall throughout the day.

Asami was mostly dressed when she began to hear the avatar start tossing and turning from the bed. This either meant Korra was about to wake up or she was having another nightmare, or both. Asami turned around and looked over at the avatar, who was becoming more restless in her sleep. Asami glanced at herself one more time in the mirror as she finished her top button of her shirt, then made her way over to Korra's side of the bed.

Asami looked down at Korra who seemed to be in complete distress. She was flinching, whimpering and mumbling in her sleep. Another one? So soon?Asami thought to herself. Asami's heart ached for the avatar, there was rarely anything she could do to help Korra when she was stuck in a nightmare like this. If Asami tried to wake her up, Korra would jump up screaming in disarray. She learned that from experience.

Asami watched the avatar carefully as Korra turned onto her back from her side, exposing all the sweat that was building up on her body. The tall girl just stared at the avatar, not knowing if she wanted to wake her up or let her sleep it off. After all, Korra did need the sleep, but Asami hated seeing her like this. Korra's words soon became clear as she was now talking louder. Her body flinched more and it seemed as if she started to cry as well.

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