stab -"r"- us

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞

THE NEWSCHANNELS HAD RISEN FROM THE DEAD once they had heard what happened in their area.
"two teenagers, casey becker and Jason Sampson had been found slaughtered in her home yesterday morning at approximately 2:30 AM. The bodies had multiple stab wounds and Casey Becker's body had been hung for her parents to find. in the people of new york, we want to inform you that their murderer is still on the run and we want you all to be safe. the police press will have a statement today regarding the horrific events that have occurred"

The group of teens had watched during their free period in awe realizing that this had been their classmate

"Bro she sat next me to in admin" said Matteo, who had been chads good friend since last year

"It's horrible what happened to them, but are we all missing the point here" Isabella had butted into the conversation

"ohh of course you just have to put your opinion in" natalia argued isa

"why are you guys always arguing" Mindy had raised her voice at the two

"fuck you"

"kiss my ass"

"how about you come to kiss this dick"

"you're a cunt"

"that's why your brother was pinned in my messages for two years"

"go fix your left boob, she's getting lumpy"

"just like your limp dick"

"can all of you shut up for five minutes??" spade had finally got all of them to shut up

"there's a killer on the loose and we are talking about limp dicks" Spade had put her input in

"Okay but this has nothing to do with us" matteo proceeded

"it will when one of us is charged with manslaughter" Spade argued

"Are you trying to say that it's one of us? maybe it was you who did it" matteo got mad and pointed at her

"oh yeah? me? where were you last night" Spade yelled

"I was in my study with Chad," he told her with a little sassy

"I can back that up!" Chad said from the kitchen with a finger in the air

"well I was sleeping" Spade had told the group

"at 7 pm?" Mindy had questioned it

"I am back on my medication so it knocks me out earlier than usual" Spade defended her alibi

"as chad said, I can back that up!" natalia said pointing to me, one thing that natalia will do is she'll stick up for Spade, she would kill for her, they were soul tied

"okay it's not any of us, can we all agree on that?" isa told the group

"agreed," the group said in union

a couple of hours pass by and the teens are waiting for the press to open up on the news for the statement

"Everyone shut the fuck up! it's on!" natalia motioned for everyone to come to the couch

"the two teens who had been freshmen at NYU were found dead. Jason Sampson's body had been brutally stabbed 25 times. his body parts had been taken out of their sockets. Casey beckers body had also been stabbed but her death, which was recently discovered in the autopsy, was by strangulation. her body had been hung from her neck, almost like a suicide. in most serial killer cases, the murderer always leaves almost like a signature for us, the police to find. if you have a small stomach, I suggest you turn down your volume for this."

"turn it up" Mindy had told talia and the group

"Mr. Sampson's organs had been taken out of his body and were formed into a heart shape on the side of his corpse. his actual heart is the one part of his body that is missing from the crime scene."

"holy fucking mother of saints." isa and talia had said in sync.

"Who do you think it is" Chad had asked

"I think it's her psycho fucking boyfriend" matteo starred at Spade

"okay fuck you, don't try to make this my fault" Spade started to think if giovanni could be capable of something like this

"Well, do you?" Mindy asked

"do I what?" spade said

"think he could be capable of something like that" Mindy replied

"oh shit, um. he could be, I don't know. I have never seen him as the murderer feel" Spade sat down

"Great, now your boy toy is on a Christmas Black Friday murder mother fucking spree and he is gonna come to stab-"r"-us for his last present! This is great!" matteo yelled out frustrated, and took a step closer to Spade

"I'm gonna shove you down the sink drain" Spade took a step towards him and was now an inch from his face

"id enjoy seeing you try to love," matteo said lastly ticking her last pin

they were both now a centimeter away from one another's face and spade, whose knuckles were now white

"Okay! I can't tell if this is lust or pure rage but we're gonna cut it short and say night!" Chad had pulled matteos shoulders away from the little love rage they were standing in

the boys had left for their dorm so it was now Spade, isa, natalia, and Mindy sitting at the table

"my god matteo is such a dick" Spade had told the girls

"oh come on, you can't tell me that you didn't feel that sexual tension in the room" natalia exclaimed

"I did" Mindy raised her hand

"I second that" natalia had also raised her hand

"at least he's not giovanni" isa suggested

" he's not that baddddd" Spade lingered knowing she was lying

"Marianna, he chased you around the house with a machete," Mindy said in the most serious voice

"he was just in a silly mood," Spade said

all the girls had started laughing at the idea of being delusional

(aka, it's me)

"Okay but seriously! I'm cutting him off in the next week" Spade stated

"we'll believe it when we see it" isa chucked

authors note

i love you all. please let me know how you guys like it, xoxo - ghost

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