Ross:But we haven't seen each other since then.Well I land in China guess who's in charge of the dig.

Rachel:Julie!,Julie isn't that great?.I mean isn't that just kick you in the crotch, spit on your neck fantastic?.

Monica:"To Julie".It's an expression.

Ross:Well we just wanted to say a quick hi and then we're gonna go see the baby.

Julie:And then we've gotta get some sleep.

Ross:Yeah it's really 6:00 tomorrow night our time.

Chandler:Well listen don't tell us what's gonna happen though cause I like to be surprised.

Ross and Julie leave.

Rachel:Bye."Closes the door".


   I run into Chandler outside the Central Park Apartment building and he looks angry.

Elizabeth:What's wrong Chan?.

   Chandler explains everything on the way to Monica and Rachel's apartment and we enter.

Chandler:"Angrily".Yo paisan!.Can I talk to you for a sec?...Your tailor is a very bad man!.

Joey:Frankie?.What're you talking about?.

Ross enters from Monica's bedroom.

Ross:Hey what's going on?.

   Ross pats Chandler on the shoulder which causes him to jump.

Chandler:Joey's tailor...took advantage of me.


Joey:No way.I've been going to the guy for 12 years.

Chandler:Oh come on!.He said he was going to do my inseam and he ran his hand up my leg and then there was definite...


I finish Chandler's sentence.


Joey:That's how they do pants!.First they go up one side,they move it over,then they go up the other side,they move it back,and then they do the rear.

Me,Chandler and Ross stare at Joey.

Joey:What?.Ross,Ross would you tell them?. Isn't that how they measure pants?.

Ross:Yes,yes it is.In prison!.Whats a matter with you?.

Joey:What?.That's not?."Realizes".Oh my God.


-September 2nd 1995-

   I run to my apartment bathroom after eating breakfast for the second day in a row.I vomit and soon I clean up and I go into my doctors appointment...When I get checked in and have tests ran on me my doctor comes in.

Ferea:Elizabeth congratulations your gonna be a mother!.You are 3 weeks along.In about 3 more weeks we can even run a gender test.

Elizabeth:I-I'm w-what?.

Ferea:"Chuckles".Honey your pregnant!.

   After the appointment I go home in shock at the discovery...My last one night stand was almost 4 weeks ago...With a jerk...Oh I need to talk to someone...I know I'll talk to Phoebe!....Soon I am where Phoebe is and I run up to her and hug her.

Elizabeth:Oh thank god I found you!..

Phoebe:Sweetie what's wrong?.

   I explain everything to Phoebe and how i want to keep my pregnancy between us till I am ready to tell everyone.

-September 28th 1995-

   We are all at Central Perk and I'm eating a muffin.

Julie:Rachel do you have any muffins left?.

Rachel:Yeah I forget which ones.

Julie:Og you're busy that's ok I'll get it. Anybody else want one?.

Everyone:No thanks.

Julie:"To Rachel".Oh you're losing your apron here let me get it.There you go."Ties it back up for het".

Rachel:"To Julie".Thank you.

Julie:Og listen you guys.I have this friend at Bloomingdale's who's quitting tomorrow and he wants to abuse his discount.So anyone want to come with me and take advantage of it?.

Phoebe:I can't I have to take my grandmother to the vet.

Elizabeth:I can't either.

Monica:Ok um I'll go with you.


Ross:"Enters".Hi honey.

Chandler:Hey sweetums.

I chuckle at Chandler.

Ross:Hello to the rest.


Joey:Monica what're you doing?.You can't go shopping with her?.What about Rachel?.

Monica:It's gonna be a problem isn't it?.

Chandler:Come on you're going to Bloomingdale's with Julie?.That's like cheating on Rachel in her house of worship.

Monica:But I'm...

Elizabeth:Monica she will kill you.She will kill you like a dog in the street.

Ross:"To Monica".So uh Jules tells me you guys are going shopping tomorrow?.

Monica:Yeah uh it's actually not that big a deal.

Ross:It's a big deal to me.This is great Monica.I really appreciate this.

Monica:You're welcome.


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