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Harry sat down at his regular spot at the Professors' table for the beginning of term feast. On his left was an empty seat, and to his right sat Hermione.

"Did you see what Malfoy decided to wear? Very unprofessional, he's hardly wearing proper wizarding robes," Hermione whispered.

"No, I haven't seen him since this morning. What is it?"

"Take a look for yourself, he's coming this way," Hermione pointed behind him.

"Harry turned around as Malfoy sat down in the chair next to him. His robes were an emerald green, with a line of crystals going along each seam. The hem was down to the floor, and gave him a floating effect. Harry loved those robes, as he had told Draco several times in the past. Which meant that he had most likely worn them for the sole purpose of messing with Harry's head. Underneath, you could see that he was wearing a black turtleneck with a silver chain around his neck.

Harry's breath hitched. He looked at Malfoy, who had turned to face him. "We need to talk," he whispered, barely audible.

Harry rolled his eyes. "Fine. Meet me in my office later," he replied, matching Malfoy's volume.

The sorting ceremony was very eventful, and the meal was exceptional, as always. Not to mention that Malfoy kept purposefully bumping knees with Harry. Hardy found his heart pounding by the end of the meal.

Hogwarts had received several new students this year, more than Harry had ever seen. He wondered how he would adjust his classroom for the difference of students. He would definitely need more desks.

The Sorting Hat's new song was very catchy, and Harry found the tune stuck in his head after the ceremony was over. Alone in his office, Harry sat on the loveseat, drinking tea and humming to himself, when he heard a quiet knock on the door. Forgetting about their arrangement earlier, Harry was shocked to see Malfoy on the other side. "Come on in," he said shakily, summoning another tea cup from the pantry.

"D'you still like Earl Grey? Or did you want Orange Pekoe?" Harry asked, holding up either option.

"Earl Grey is fine, thanks," Malfoy said, standing just inside the doorframe.

"Well come on in, make yourself comfortable. I reckon this conversation might take a while," Harry said.

Malfoy sighed and sat down stiffly on one end of the beaten up love-seat. "I can't believe you kept this," he said, running his hand across the worn down surface of the cushion.

"Why wouldn't I? It's a perfectly good couch," Harry replied as he handed Malfoy his cup and sat down next to him.

"It's got holes in it! If I wanted feathers stuck to me, I would pluck an owl."

"Well if you don't like it, you can go sit in my desk chair."

"That blasted thing? It looks like it's going to fall apart the second I sit down."

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