A Feeling...

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[It was just a normal day in Pocoyo's white world, Pocoyo. Elly, Duck and Nina were wondering what to do, when suddenly, Nina suggested something.]


Nina: Hey everyone! What if we go explore?
Elly: I think I'm staying.
Pocoyo: Yeah, I'll do the same-
Nina: Oh, what about you duck?
Duck: No-
Nina: Ok Let's go!
Duck: T-T

[Nina and Duck left.]

[Elly was confused, Pocoyo always wanted to spend time and play with Nina.]

Elly: Pocoyo?-
Pocoyo: Yes?-
Elly: I thought you were going to go explore with Nina, I mean- you always take any opportunity to do it-
Pocoyo: Yeah, but now I wanted to take this opportunity to talk with you about something that no one else knows..
Elly: Ok you can tell me-
Pocoyo: Well, its that.. Lately I am thinking a lot about Nina, I just cant get her out of my mind.. Everytime I think of her, I feel something, a Feeling, but I dont know how to describe it...

[It ends here because I ran out of ideas lol]

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