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"Anthony. Avani. Cynthia," Blake introduced them, pointing at each one as he said their names. "This is Tiffany."
Cynthia chuckled. "We know. We had a mini social media stalk session on the way over here."
"Oh no," I groaned. "I can only imagine what you found."
Avani interjected. "It was all good, girl. You're beautiful, you're smart, and you use your platform to raise awareness on important social issues. You and Blake went to elementary school together."
"And you know my social security number and my blood type, right?" I joked.
"We were just gauging if we were gonna like you more than we like Blake. We do," Anthony said, passing by me and wrapping an arm around Avani.

"Alright, Blake. Everyone's here but Dixie. What's your plan?" Bryce asked, standing up and pulling a White Claw from the fridge.
Blake pulled the unopened white claw out of Bryce's hand, putting it back into the fridge. "Maybe we wait to drink until a little bit later."
Bryce's jaw dropped. "Being an alcoholic is my most prominent personality trait."
The kitchen erupted in laughter. "It's one o'clock in the afternoon, Bryce," Addison said, wrapping her arms around his neck. "What are the plans for tonight, Blake?"
"I think that we should just hang out. I think that Tiffany is going to be a permanent fixture around here, and I think that it would be good to have a noncommital way for all of us to get to know each other."
"Wait, you're gonna order food, right? You know how I can get when I'm hungry," Noah said, finally looking up from his phone.
Blake nodded. "Yes. We can get whatever you guys want. Since this whole relationship started as a content collab anyway, we can make some TikToks, film some vlog bits, you know, whatever."

"Wait, what's your favorite TikTok dance?" Addison asked. "We should totally film one together!"
I laughed at how excited she was. "I don't really post dances, Addison. I'm not very good at them."
"What do you mean?" she asked. I opened TikTok, scrolling through my drafts until I found the perfect fail to show her. She watched me do the WAP dance, and when it was over, she turned to look at me. "Honey, I just- what was that?"
I chuckled. "I told you."
"Wait, what video did you just show her?" Blake asked. I turned my phone to show him. "Wait, that was kind of hot. Don't post that."
I chuckled again. "It's been in the drafts for weeks. I definitely wasn't ever planning on posting it."
Blake wrapped his arms around me. "Good."

"Hey, guys! What did I tell you about leaving your door unlocked?" a girl's voice rang through the house.
"Dixie!" Addison yelled, running towards the voice. "I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!"
Dixie laughed. "I saw you yesterday. Don't be dramatic. You must be Tiffany. Noah and I listened to Blake talk about you after your little date the other night."
"Um, the one at Saddle Ranch?" I asked.
"Shut up, Dixie," Blake said. "Dixie doesn't know what she's talking about."
Noah laughed, wrapping his arms around Dixie's shoulders. "Sure. You've never said a word about Tiffany to anyone, especially not me and Dixie."

Blake's face flushed, but Noah ignored it, filling Dixie in on the plans that Blake had made for all of us.
"Oh, good. So, what are you feeding me?" Dixie asked, sitting down at the island next to me.
"We can Postmates whatever you want, Dix."
We all sat and talked in the kitchen for a little while. As the conversations died down, we headed out of the kitchen and into the living room.

"You guys want to watch this video of this guy being an absolute simp?" Jaden asked., turning on the television.
My face popped up on the screen. I buried my face in my hands as I heard my voice ring through the room. "He won't give me my chair back, so I guess this is how we're filming today."
I looked up to see Blake staring at me. Jaden took this opportunity to explain just how much of a simp Blake is. "If you look closely here, you'll see the guy brushing this girl's hair. He tries to do it so gently, and he keeps telling her that she's beautiful. Classic simp behavior."
Blake laughed. "I'm not ashamed. If falling for Tiffany makes me a simp, then fuck it, I'm a simp."
I crossed the room to sit next to him. "You're a simp?" I asked, teasing him.

Griffin groaned as I nestled myself next to Blake. "Do you guys mind?"
"You're just mad that Dixie left you because she found out you were cheating," Blake said, wrapping his arms around me and kissing the top of my head.
"Ouch," Griffin said. "I didn't cheat."
"You don't think that you cheated, but anything that you hid from Dixie was cheating," Blake replied.
"That's enough, you two," Dixie interjected.

There was an awkward silence as we all looked around the room at one another. I didn't know them well enough to know how any of them were going to react. After a few moments, Griffin got up, laughing and hugging Dixie quickly. "Did you see the look on her face? She really thought that we were about to argue."
"That's not funny!" I protested.
Blake kissed the top of my head again. "It was kind of funny. You looked so scared."
I chuckled lightly. "Okay, you got me. That was pretty good."

"Do you guys want to play truths? I feel like it's late enough to drink now," Bryce said, carrying a bottle of Tito's and a tray of shot glasses into the living room.
Blake nodded, and we got into a circle.
"Wait, how do you play?" I asked.
"If you don't want to answer the truth, you take a shot," Josh explained. I nodded and we started playing.
"Okay, Griffin. Did you cheat on Dixie?" Noah asked.
Griffin took a shot. "Nessa, did you shart?"
Nessa chuckled. "No, so don't even think about calling me Lil Sharty. Tiffany, did you and Tucker break up because he cheated on you?"

Frenemies? Or Something More?: a Blake Gray Fanfiction *completed*Where stories live. Discover now