"Can I get a goodnight kiss"he says

"M- really"I say

He leans in so I quickly connect our lips..our lips moving as one I quickly melted into the kiss..he wasn't rough this time

"That was nice"I say pulling away

"Of course it was"Mattia says

"You ruined the mood get out"I say

"Damn okay I'll be back tomorrow"he says placing a kiss on my forehead

I smile at his action and watched him leave my room NOT CLOSING THE DOOR

"Mattia close the door"I yell

"Can't hear you"he says

"Seriously Mattia I'm not playing"I yell

He comes back and slams the door shut

"Thank you idiot"I yell

"Fuck off"he says

I shake my head and get undress quickly getting under covers and drifting off to sleep

The Next Day-Mattia POV

"MATTIA"someone yelled

I jump out of my sleep to see kairi at the end of my bed and the others surrounding my bed

"Ion think that was a good idea"roshaun says


"It was kairi"alejandro says

Kairi looks at me shocked than smiled

"Get up"kairi says

"Get out my room"I say

"This ain't even your house"he says

"Do it look like I give a fuck,cause I don't still MY fucking room"I say

"Please get up...I was literally dragged here because Alvaro didn't want me home by myself and I woke you up as pay back for SLAMMING my door"he says

I look at him up and down he has on pajamas...lol

"We're going to get breakfast at Jennifer's Diner"Robert says

"Fine can y'all leave"I say

"Okay"kairi says

"Except you"I say pointing at kairi

He nods while everyone else leaves the room

"Can you get me a pair of boxers and sweatpants out that dresser over there"I say

He gets up and careful observe his outfit

He had on Nike pro shorts a large IT chapter 2 graphic t-shirt black Nike socks with white Nike slides

"You grab some pants too you not going outside like that"I say

"Huh?"he says throwing dark grey sweat pants and supreme boxers

I put them on under the covers

"You heard me you not going outside with them tight small ass shorts"I say

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