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[Writjng this at 2am is a hell of a bad choice,, IM SO SORRY NEWWIEE T^T]

3rd Person POV:

Intelligence 1
Endurance 4

New had been overexerting himself for a while now.

It hurt.

It hurt so bad.

The only place they had generously put anesthesia on was his mouth - so that he couldn't bite his tongue.

They didn't care to use it anywhere else.

They wanted it to hurt.

They wanted him to hurt.

They wanted him to break.

New was awake throughout every operation.

He saw himself get cut open and experimented on. Felt himself get stabbed with a pair of inscissors and have his skin torn and sliced. He could smell all the blood, his blood. The dizzy, repulsive and pungent smell of chemicals and antiseptic made him feel like vomitting. It was nauseating and excruciating.

He couldn't scream. His throat had been cut, voicebox gone to omit him from calling for help. He couldn't move. Every part of him was so tightly chained to the operating table, he didn't even have the space to squirm and writhe from sheer agony.

The only thing he was permitted to do was blink and cry. But his tears had long dried out.

It was hell.

He was given the bare minimum to survive. Food was fed to him in a tube and so was water. When they decided they needed a sample of his specimen, they injected the strongest aphrodisiac into him and sexually assaulted him.

New felt as if he lost bits and pieces of him every single second.

He lamented that his last memory with Tay was one where it ended on relatively bad terms. Maybe he shouldn't have asked Tay to disintergrate his ring. Would he have still been wearing it now? It definitely would've helped him get through this time at the facility.

Ah.. maybe not.

He stared at his bruised and bloody fingers. They had ripped off all his nails from his fingers and toes for the purpose of collecting samples to test and experiment on.

The times when they had repeatedly forced him to enhance his bones so they could test the limits to how much strength was needed to break it, he had to reduce a level from his endurance. He had initially fiercely refused to cooperate. However, they had threatened to capture Gun too. New knew that Gun wouldn't be captured easily due to his stealth, but when they brought up harming their sidekicks Chimon, Pleum, Frank and Nanon, he had no choice but to agree.

They burnt and froze his skin to test his resistance and the enhancement effects. Poison, acid... everything was used and tested. No part of him was unscathed.

He was slowly reaching the peak of his enhanced endurance.

It had been a week since he had been captured and three days since he had started using up all five of his enhancements. He had severely over-exerted himself, and also over-estimated himself.

He thought that he would be able to easily escape as he wished, or when the time came. But he wasn't able to escape, and the time never came. He felt bitter when he realized that even now, he was still hoping that Tay and the others might magically appear and save him.

But how could they?

They still believed in the lie that GMMA was on their side. They still lived in that wonderful bubble that New would never bear to pop. And he somehow felt relieved that it hadn't popped yet. He didn't want Tay and the others to experience the hurt and betrayal GMMA would give them. His only relief was that no one else had been caught yet.

He wondered what sort of rings Tay had bought for him, and how worried he must be.

But in the state he was in, he wasn't sure Tay would even recognize him, much less love him. Even though he knew Tay would still love him, he gradually began to feel that useless due to his inablity to escape. He felt filthy from the things that had been done to him. He felt like he had let Tay down.

But even at his wits end, even though it hurt to the point he felt like he would rather die, he never once thought of giving up. That was the reason why no matter what they did to him, he made sure his intelligence was enhanced.

And on October 19th, the chance finally came.

They had been testing it on monkeys and the like beforehand, and finally moved onto experimenting on other humans and they had succeeded in replicating a portion of his abilities. The man had serious side effects and looked atrociously distorted, but was able to enhance his strength a great deal.

But he had also lost his sanity.

So said lab rat went on a rampage.

He destroyed everything in his path- including the main power room, causing a blackout from the power outage.

In the darkness, a pair of eyes opened, glinting with fierce determination as he put all his enhancement from endurance into healing.


;-; also,, im sorry]

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