
   Later at Monica and Rachel's Me,Ross, Chandler and the girls are dividing some Chinese takeout while the sitcom Family Matters is playing on the TV.

Chandler:It's not just that she's cute okay. It's just that...she's really really cute.

Ross:It doesn't matter.You don't dip your pen in the company ink.

   Marcel scampers about interfering with the neatness.

Monica:Ross your little creature's got the remote again.

Ross:Marcel,Marcel give Rossie the remote. Marcel.Marcel you give Rossie the remote right now...Marce...you give Rossie the remote...

   Marcel points the remote at Monica's television pressing a particular combination of keys.The logo SAP appears on the screen and suddenly the dialogue is dubbed into Spanish.


Ross:Relax I'll fix it.

Rachel:"Looking at the television".Cool... Urkel in Spanish is Urkel.

Ross:"Looking at the remote".How did he do this?.

Elizabeth:Magic?."Smirks teasingly".

Chandler:"Looking out at the balcony".So tell me something is leaving the Christmas lights up part of your plan to keep us merry all year long?.

   Rachel slowly spins around finally noticing that the lights.

Monica:Ah no you see someone was supposed to take them down around New Year's...but obviously someone forgot.

Rachel:Well someone was supposed to write Rach take down the lights and put it on the re...frigerate..."Noticing Monica's note stuck to the refrigerator".How long has that been there?.

   Joey enters he apartment looking extremely pleased with himself.

Elizabeth:Hey where you been?.

Joey:I went back to Riff's.I think Ursula likes me.All I ordered was coffee she brought me a tuna meltt and four plates of curly fries.


Joey:She is so hot.

Chandler:Yeah listen.Okay before you do anything Joey like you might wanna run it by err..."Indicates Phoebe".

   Phoebe is helping Ross understand the remote control.


Phoebe:"Jumping up".Yeah?.

Joey:You think it would be okay if I asked out your sister?.

Phoebe:Why?,Why would you wanna...do that?.Why?.

Joey:So that if we went out on a date she'd be there.

Phoebe:Well I mean I'm not my sister's you know whatever and um...I mean it's true we were one egg once but err you know we've grown apart so um...I don't know why not?.Okay.

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