“dad..!!” suara dia macam trumpet… “Babang bawa perempuan masuk bilik bertelanjang!”


Fitnah semata-mata, manada kami telanjang…! kami separuh telanjang saja bah… tsk tsk…

Tapi saya tersengih juga dengar Sydney mereport 😏…. mom and dad awal lagi sudah tau…


At the main breakfast table…

Rupanya Sydney ni pun macam kogutan… dia pun tidak masuk office ni hari… Chester as usual belum bangun…

Kimberly is wearing my white buttoned-up collared shirt and her hotpants from last night… dia ikat rambut dia in a high ponytail…

Makeup-less, she’s still beautiful… even more actually…

It took me a lot of effort, threats and blackmail to get her to join my family for breakfast…

saya tidak pernah jumpa perempuan sekeras kepala macam dia… I thought Bella is the most stubborn, well she has a successor now…

“so, Kimberly…” dad began calmly… kenapa Kimberly? Kenapa bukan saya? “tell me, have you changed your mind?”

“when did I made up my mind?” dia buat muka blur… saya cucuk pinggang dia, dia terinjut… “ehemmm… about what Tan Sri?” Good girl… 😏

“the engagement…” singkat jawapan dad…
“I don’t …” she started to answer dad…

“it’s not upto Kimberly to decide, dad…” saya memotong…

“oh?” dad tengok saya with a questioning look…

“I didn’t know I gained a husband in just one night…” she looked at me and gave that sarcastic remark…

“remember, you don’t have a choice…” I whispered in her ear… “me or Chester…”

“are you serious you want to marry me, Your Honour?” she whispered in her so sexy voice…

“it’s an engagement, not a wedding…” saya membalas… “let’s not talk about marriage…”

Senyuman dia yang sangat manis hampir melemaskan jantung saya… 😩

Tiba-tiba dia looked at dad and said joyfully…

“Well, daddy…” terkejut dad, Sydney terbatuk and nearly choked on his bread… mom mengusap her leher sampai ke dada… “London just mentioned in ‘our’ room earlier that he can’t wait to get married and have kids…”

I forced myself to put up a straight face, covering up with my cup of coffee… saya tidak tau mau marah ka atau mau ketawa…

“he did?” Sydney terbulat mata…
“Yes!” dia senyum ceria… “daughters that look and act exactly like me…”

Ni kali saya yang terbatuk… habis coffee saya tersembur dari mulut saya…

I’m so blessed if our daughters look like you, Kimmy… erk, but act like you..? I will have to prepare a lot of handcuffs in the house… and guns… to blow all the d*cks that come after any of my daughters… 😒

Astaga, sampai ke sana juga lagi fikiran saya… last night wife, this morning daughters… I shook my head…

Mom menarik nafas dan menghembus dengan tenang… she picked up the napkin on the table and wiped her mouth softly, sambil signal saya untuk lap mulut saya juga… cepat-cepat saya lap mulut saya….

“Kimberly… I believe you’re such a sweet young woman and you’ll have beautiful daughters with London…” eh, mom? Cepat juga mau cucu… ada 5 sudah pula, coming to 6 lagi tu cucu mom and dad when Bella gives birth…

“but…?” what did this crazy ‘sweet young woman’ just said to my mom? ‘BUT’? she expected there’s a BUT…. 😳

“oh, no no… there’s no buts…” mom jawab… “oh, there is actually…” I looked at mom sharply… “we thought it’ll be Manchester because London refused a few times…” mom membalas pandangan mata saya sama tajamnya…

“oh, did you now, sayang?” Kimberly memandang saya dengan mata memisau….

I picked on my bacon and baked beans… concentrating on my food…

“I’m talking to you, London…” oh, if Hitler was woman, I think he’ll be named Kimberly… 🙄

Saya cuba ignore dia… tapi…
“ouch… what was that for?” punya sakit dia pijak kaki saya…
“that’s for forcing me to choose either your brother or you…” she hissed in my ear…

“ouch… sakit…” dia cubit paha saya…
“that’s for forcing me into an engagement that you yourself refused…” she hissed again… ui, marah juga? 😳

“OUCH..” ni kali dia cubit perut saya…
“and that’s for me blindly choosing to be engaged to you…” oh, she has decided? Ahahahaks!

Biru-birulah saya tidak lama ni kalau kena cubit saja… but better than kena handcuffed at gun point kan…

BUK BUK BUK… kedengaran tapak kaki turun tangga…

“oh…” jelas muka Chester terkejut, tapi pantas dia cover his shock with a ummm… senyuman menggoda to Kimberly…? “you came for breakfast, Kimmy?”

“no, ‘Kimberly’ slept here…” saya yang jawab, sambil saya wipe the bit of ketchup stain on her lips with my finger… “oh and by the way, kami sudah decide to bertunang this weekend… Sunday, sayang?”

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