"I understand family problems." He gave me a sad smile.

"Yeah. Maybe I could pick you up and we could go to that place. Clear our heads. Just hang with some music and blankets."

"Yeah. I would love that." I ran a hand through his soft hair.

"Wanna come back to class with me?" I asked.

"Yeah. Let's go." He got up and I followed.

We went to my class and he turned his additude on. He rolled his eyes and went to his desk. Gerard, or Mr. Way, came over.

"Thanks for that.' I smiled.

"No problem. Have fun with Oli. You got a nice catch with him." He whispered.


"Cmon. I'm not that stupid. Now, I have my own student to attend to."

"Iero?" I asked. He smirked and nodded. I chuckled. "Nice. See ya later, Gee."

"See ya." He left and I sat at my desk. I graded papers, looking at Oli occasionally. He didn't look to happy.

I sighed quietly. I can't believe I did that. I pulled my phone out.

'Oli: I'm sorry about that. I can't explain how much regret I'm feeling. I don't like seeing my baby sad. Can I just see a tiny smile on that beautiful face of yours?'

I sent it and looked at him. I saw him read it and look at me. He smiled and I smiled back.

'Oli: Thank you, beautiful.'

"Mr. Carlile, Oli has his phone out." Someone said.

"Never said you couldnt. You just can't be on it when I'm instructing you." The bell rang and everyone left. Lindsey shut and locked the door. "What are you doing?" I asked as she sauntered over.

"I know you want me Mr. Carlile. Don't worry. I won't tell anyone." She pushed my chair back and sat on my lap.

"Stop. I'm seeing someone." I commanded.

"They don't have to know either." She whispered as she went kiss my neck.

"Get off!' I yelled and pushed her away. "I already told you no three times! I love the person I'm with!' I wasn't thinking. Do I love him? I think I do. I don't know.

"Cmon. I always get what I want." She grabbed my dick through my jeans.

"Stop." I whispered. She grabbed my hand but I pulled it away. She grabbed it and made me put it on her boob. I tried to pull it away, but she was really strong. "Stop." I said. She ignored me and slid her hands down my pants. I smirked. "Hold on." I lied. She stopped and smiled.

"Just tell me what to do, sir."

"Close your eyes." She did. I turned her around and bent her over the desk. "Hold on. I gotta find some stuff." I put all my stuff in my bag.

"Hurry up, Mr. Carlile. You could spank me."

"Don't tell me what to do." I commanded. I put my coat on and made sure I had everything. I quietly tiptoed to the door and unlocked it. "Bye, Lindsey." I walked out and saw Gerard. He laughed.

"Wow. She was something else." He smirked.

"Cmon. I gotta go to the office. How's Frank?" I asked as we went to the office.

"Amazing. Almost two years." He smiled. "He's really good in bed too."

"Don't need to know that."

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