Monica:So you're free Thursday then.

Phoebe%Yeah.Oh can I come?.

Monica:Yeah.Rach are you thinking you're gonna make it to Vail?.

Rachel:Absolutely.Shoop,shoop,shoop.Only a hundred and two dollars to go.

Chandler:I thought it was $98.50.

Rachel:Yeah well it was.I-I broke a cup.

Ross:Well I'm off to Carol's.

Phoebe:Oh,oh.Why don't we invite her?.

Ross:"Mimicking".Oh,oh.Because she's my ex-wife and will probably want to bring her oh,oh lesbian life partner.

Monica:Liz any plans?.

Elizabeth:Nope...I'll join you.


-November 27th 1994-

   At Monica and Rachel's everyone is here but Rachel.

Ross:Look if she's talking to it I just think that I should get some belly time too.Not that I believe any of this.

Phoebe:Oh I believe it.I think the baby can totally hear everything.I can show you. Look this will seem a little weird but you put your head inside this turkey and then we'll all talk and you'll hear everything we say.

Chandler:I'd just like to say that I'm totally behind this experiment.In fact I'd very much like to butter your head.

Rachel enters the apartment.

Elizabeth:Hey Rach did you make your money?.

Rachel:No not even close.Forget Vail,forget seeing my family,forget shoop,shoop,shoop.

Monica:Rach here's your mail.

Rachel:Thanks you can just put it on the table.

Monica:No here's your mail.

Rachel:Thanks you can just put it on the table.

Monica:"Gives her an envelope".Would you just open it?.

   Rachel opens it.Inside is the money she needed.

Rachel:Oh my god oh you guys are great.

Monica:We all chipped in.

Joey:"To Elizabeth".We did?.

Elizabeth:"To Joey".You owe me 20 bucks.

Rachel:Thank you.Thank you so much!.

Monica:"Hands Chandler a bag".Chandler here you go got your traditional Thanksgiving feast you got your tomato soup,your grilled cheese fixin's and your family size bag of Funyuns.

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