☾0.16| Remus And Emilia

Start from the beginning

"It was my dads favorite." she spoke with a red face while catching Harry trying to hide a smile. Turning back to the Minister he held out a small locket, a circle with a shiny middle, a tiny heart shaped in the middle.

"Well... what is that?" Harry asked confused as he'd never seen of the sort.

"For a girl I hadn't known long, for hopes she'll always find her way back home." The Minister read as Salem held it in her hands.

"I've seen it before... I can't quite remember where but I have." Salem spoke as she held it in her hand before turning to Ron. He gave her a crazy look when she pressed the charm against his heart for a few seconds before taking off in a sprint out of the burrow.

"What's she on about?" Harry asked before he jumped when Salem suddenly appeared infront of them again, falling on the couch in a tumble next to Ron.

"How'd you do that?" Hermione asked with wide eyes and a hand over her heart.

"It's The Heartbeat Charm, as long as you record someone's heart, you'll be able to get to them if you have it." Salem spoke, unaware how she knew such a thing but did anyways, "Dumbledore must have known I tend to wonder off."

"An understatement." Hermione spoke before the Minister cleared his throat.

"To Hermione Jean Granger, I leave my copy of the Tales Of Beetle The Bard, in the hope that she find it entertaining and instructive." he read before passing her the older book that Ron lit up at.

"Mum use to read me those." he grinned down at the book, "The Wizard And The Hopping Pot."

"Hopping Pot?" Salem questioned with a frown of her recently, grown and larger then usual, eyebrows.

"Yeah. Babbitty Rabbitty And The Cackling Stump." Ron laughed before he saw the three confused and lost faces peering at him, "Oh, come on. Babbity Rabbity? No?"

"My parents are muggles." Hermione pointed out to him with a frown of her eyebrows.

"Mine are dead." Harry added in to the redhead boy.

"And mine only ever read to be able how to chock people until they left you alone." Salem spoke as the three looks at her again, "A violent mother I had... scared father."

"To Harry James Potter, I leave the snitch he caught in his very first quidditch match at Hogwarts." the man read before laying the small gold snitch into the Potter boys pale palms, "As a reminder of the rewards of perseverance and skill."

"Is that it, then?" Harry spoke after a moment of looking at the gold snitch in his hand, memories clouding his shiny and bright eyes.

"Not quite. Dumbledore left you a second bequest... the sword of Godric Gryffindor." the Minister read as Salem's dark and stormy eyes widened.

"To think I ever felt insecure about being Gryffindor." she shook her head while slapping Harry's back in achievement.

"Unfortunately, the sword of Gryffindor was not Dumbledores to give away. As an important historical artifact, it belongs-" the Minister began over Salem's interruption before he was once caught off again by the only other woman in the room.

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