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DAISY BLACK ran down the hallway, almost tripping over herself twice. Her mother, Cheryl Jean threateningly held her wand, giving Daisy an intense stare.

"Girl, if you don't hurry up... We're going to be late." The woman gave her a pointed look, holding on to her youngest kid, Louis.

There were three of them. Daisy, Eric, and Louis. Daisy was the oldest, entering her fifth year, and Eric was going on to his third one, and of course their baby brother was a first year.

Daisy trudged behind, "what about Alice? Isn't she coming with us to see Lyra and Flynn?"

"They're already there. Now hurry along, run into the wall."

She ran straight into the wall, emerging on the other side. Daisy winced at the sound of the horn blowing. The train was getting ready to start its trek to Hogwarts.

Turning around to face her mother, she smiled and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "See you when I do." Then she didn't turn back around.

Cheryl Jean rolled her eyes at her bratty kid, and put her hands on Louis' shoulders, "listen here, you adorable piece of-"

"Mum." Eric said in a warning tone.

"Whatever. Good luck on your house sorting, don't listen to the Sorting Hat, he can be a real pain in the arse."


"Don't let Eric's goody-two-shoes get to you." She kissed his forehead, and then Eric's. "Take good care of him, Eric."

Then she waved off all of her children as the train drove away. Eric waved wholeheartedly, smiling widely. Louis gave her a small peace sign and sat in his seat next to his brother.

In a small compartment, all by herself, Daisy nodded in acknowledgment. She took out a book she decided to start reading.

She was a Slytherin. Her father was Regulus Black.

And right now her last name was more famous than ever.
Her uncle, Sirius Black has escaped from the most secure place in the Wizarding World... Azkaban.

But she didn't seem to have a care in the world. There was nothing she could do to change what happened, and whatever happened after that was meant to be.

Now at the very end of the hall, there are two boys, twins, complaining to their friend that there wasn't any free compartments.

The twins tugged their friend, Lee Jordan, looking around for a spot to sit at.

"All these first years took the seats." George said.

"Come on, Georgie. We'll find one for the three of us." And that's when he spotted it. Or rather her.

Fred Weasley stopped dead in his tracks. He looked at the lonesome girl in the compartment. He couldn't really get a good look at her because her black, curly waves of hair flowed down and covered her face like a curtain.

She was hunched over, reading a book.
Fred was so entranced with just the way she was so careful of flipping the pages, making sure not to crease anything. The cautious actions of her fingers, making her seem like such a delicate flower.

Like a daisy.

George and Lee smirked at each other, both of them giving Fred a nudge. "How about we join her, eh?"

He snapped out of his trance, giving a small nod of agreement. Fred didn't really notice what he had just agreed to, and it was too late for him to pull back from it because his twin was knocking on the glass window.

She looked up, and Fred's breath caught in his throat. Her eyes glancing at them, switching back and forth with such a curious look. Her cheeks dusted with a light pink, most likely flushed from the cold air lingering around. Her lips twisting into a small awkward smile, and her brows rising in a questioning manner.

She gently closed the book, and tilted her head, asking a silent question. Yes?

George popped his head into the compartment, "mind if we share this one? Everywhere else is packed."

He didn't wait for an answer, opening the slide door further and plopping down on the sit in front of her. Their friend was next to follow, sitting right next to George.

Fred cleared his thoughts and sat next to the girl.

"Sure, go right ahead." She mumbled sarcastically.

"Hey, I know you!" Lee's eyes brighten with recognition. "Daisy Black, right? 'Heard your uncle escaped Azkaban."

George laughed awkwardly, elbowing his friend in the side.

Daisy cocked her head to the side, a mischievous glint flickering in her eyes. "And aren't you the boy who always gets in trouble for saying inappropriate things during Quidditch matches?"

He laughed, but it was a genuine one. "I think you and I are going to get along just fine."

"Sure thing." Daisy turned to look at the boy besides her, "hey, I think I've had a few encounters with those silly pranks of yours!"

And just like that, he wasn't worried about making a fool out of himself. Fred had no reason to care for that sort of thing in the first place.
Instead, a lazy smirk tumbled onto his lips.

"Is that so?"

George grinned. He knew his brother was going to do just fine with Daisy.


"And which one might that have been?"

"Third year, I was running late to Transfiguration and had stumbled into one of your pranks. I had accidentally stepped on the trip wire, and set off some sort of explosion."

Proud grins placed their infamous smirks. "Ah, yes. We remember now."

"Yeah, horrible timing too. Madam Hooch had stepped off the field, I think she was looking for Madam Pomfrey, and gave me a week's worth of detention!" Daisy complained.

The twins and their friend bursted into a laughing fit, while Daisy puffed up her cheeks in embarrassment. She crossed her arms and looked out the window. That's when the frost started spreading across the glass.

She took a breath in and out, it came out as a puff of air. Completely seeable. It was now colder than it was a few minutes ago, and the boy's laughter had stopped. Like a record coming to a screeching halt.

Everything seemed to have to life sucked out of it. And nothing seemed to have a purpose in life anymore.

"What in the bloody hell-?" Daisy reached over to touch the window.

"'Dunno if this is wicked or wicked." George glanced at his twin, who only shrugged.

"Hogwarts always has something weird going on." He said in return.

Daisy nodded, "well you're not wrong."

And just like that, Fred had found a target. He knew that she would be easy to pull pranks on, and that it would just get better and better.

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