Jill:Chandler we've been here for an hour doing this!.Now watch it's easy.



    Jill swings the pen around her head in a circle.Chandler tries to do the same thing but the pen hits him in the head.

Jill:No you've got to whip it.

   Chandler swings the pen hard and it snaps back and almost hits him again.

Elizabeth:It's like this.

I show him what Jill has showed him.


   The power comes back on and I smile in relief.

Jill:Well this has been fun.

Chandler:Yes.Yes thanks for letting me use your phone...and for saving my life.

Jill:Well goodbye Chandler.I had a great blackout."Kisses him on the cheek".See ya.

Elizabeth:Bye Jill.

Jill:Bye Elizabeth.

   Jill leaves and Chandler presses his face to the glass door after her stroking the window lovingly.He then turns to the security camera and starts talking to it.

Chandler:Hi um I'm account number 7143457.And uh I don't know if you got any of that but I would really like a copy of the tape.

   I bite my lip again to keep from laughing but then Chandler looks at me and I just burst out laughing at what happened tonight.

Chandler:Shut up.

Elizabeth:Make me.


   We run out of the vistibule and as i run Chandler playfully runs after me and soon we slow down.

Chandler:Making you tired shut you up nicely.

Elizabeth:"Chuckles".I guess so.

Chandler wraps an arm around me.

Chandler:Come on.

   Me and Chandler begin to walk back to Central Perk.

Elizabeth:You know I have met my fair share in fanboys and fangirls...But you by far are the worst."Laughs".

Chandler:Alright,Alright laugh it up.

Elizabeth:"Chuckles".I am sorry but it was terrible up till the moment she saved your life.

   Chandler looks at me and soon he begins to laugh.

Chandler:Okay,Okay fine I admit it...That was terrible.

I smile up at Chandler.

Elizabeth:What happened tonight is safe with me.

Chandler:Thank you.Cause that was embarrassing at first.

Elizabeth:That's why I'm not telling anyone...It was embarrassing to watch."Smirks".

Chandler:Oh hahahaha.

   We are towards my apartment building as we head towards Chandler's.

Elizabeth:Well this is me.

Chandler:Wow you live that close?.

Elizabeth:Yes I do."Smiles".Goodnight Chan.

   I give Chandler a kiss on his cheek and I open the door to the building and I go inside.

-November 10th 1994-

   Everyone is at Monica and Rachel's as Chandler tells us about how a coworker thought he was Gay.

Chandler:Couldn't enjoy a cup of noodles after that.I mean is that ridiculous?.Can you believe she actually thought that?.

Rachel:Um...yeah.Well I mean when I first met you y'know I thought maybe possibly, you might be...

Chandler:You did?.

Rachel:Yeah but then you spent Phoebe's entire birthday party talking to my breasts so then I figured maybe not.

Chandler:Huh.Did uh...any of the rest of you guys think that when you first met me?.

Monica:I did.

Phoebe:Yeah I think so yeah.

Joey:,ElizabethNot me.

Ross:No,no me neither.Although uh y'know back in college Susan Sallidor did.

Chandler:You're kidding!.Did you tell her I wasn't?.

Ross:No.No it's just cause uh I kinda wanted to go out with her too so I told her actually you were seeing Bernie Spellman...who also liked her so...

   Joey congratulates Ross but sees Chandler's look and stops.

Chandler:Well this is fascinating.So uh what is it about me?.

Phoebe:I dunno cause you're smart,you're funny...

Chandler:Ross is smart and funny d'you ever think that about him?.


Chandler:What is it?!.

Monica:Okay I-I d'know you,you just you have a quality.

Everyone:Yes.Absolutely.A quality.

Chandler:Oh,oh a quality good because I was worried you guys were gonna be vague about this.

The Phone rings and Monica gets it.

Monica:"Into phone".Hello?.Hello?.Oh!. Rachel it's Paolo calling from Rome.

Rachel:Oh my God!.Calling from Rome."Takes phone".Bon giorno,caro mio.

Ross:"To Joey".So he's calling from Rome.I could do that.Just gotta go to Rome.

Rachel:Monica your dad just beeped in but can you make it quick?.Talking to Rome.

   Rachel begins showing off to Phoebe and Chandler.

Rachel:I'm talking to Rome.

Monica:Hey dad what's up?...Oh God.Ross it's Nana.

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