Imagine #35 (Part Three) - Lost Boys

Start from the beginning

'Yes, princess.'

'We're almost there, sweets.'

'You're amazing.'

Cold liquid surrounds you, but you don't feel any different. In fact, you feel good.

You feel someone's lips against yours for a second before the water kisses you once more.


Your head pops out of the water, the air a startling contrast to the soft water.

In an instant, your head is clear and you can think again.

"I- what was that?" You stammer, squeezing a handful of wet sand.

You're seating in waist deep water, four gorgeous mermen staring at you with fanged grins.

"Our song," Marko chirps, "Wasn't it beautiful?"

"It- it really was."

"It was the only way to get you out of there," David explains, flicking his platinum hair over his shoulder. "You panicked."

You look upwards at the stars, "I'm sorry. I'm scared of water- I can't help it."

Dwayne, his long wet hair sticking to his upper arms and chest, grabs your shoulders and presses his face against you, "It's alright. I'm sorry you fear our home..."

You feel bad.

You hadn't thought about it in that way. They live here, in the ocean surrounded by the very thing you despise and fear.

Hesitantly, you hug him back, "I'm sorry too."

"Don't forget our deal."

You swallow and nod, breaking away from the merman.

"I won't."

"Good. We'll see you here tomorrow."

You stand to your feet, shivering a bit, "Yup."

"Don't forget."

His icy blue eyes contain no jokes.


You had to phone your worried friend and explain most of what happened. Excluding the mermen bit, of course.

He/she honestly couldn't even remember what happened after you fell off the boat. Apparently, he/she was so wasted that he/she didn't even realize you were missing the whole night.

Time to re-evaluate your friendship.

That actually made you feel really bad. How could he/she not realize that you fell off a boat and almost drowned?

Now, you're on your way to the same spot on the beach as last night.

You had realized that you didn't specify a time, only a place. So, hopefully they're there.

Sand squishes under your feet as you trudge along, toting a bag filled with snacks and drinks.

What does someone bring to a meeting with four mermen?

You don't have a clue.

So, you brought all your favourite snacks and soft drinks.

Hopefully they like some of the things you brought.

At the edge of the water in the remote cove-like area, you seat yourself and wait patiently.

There- a flicker of red and a splash.

You smile nervously, heart beating an irregular pattern.

Heads emerge from the waves, each one sporting an aloof smirk.

You smile back and wave as they swim closer. Finally, with a few cheerful shouts and shoves, they beach themselves on the sand next to you.

Once again, you are stunned by their otherworldly elegance.

How could such beings take an interest in me?

"You made it," Paul grins, a small piece of drift wood between his teeth.

"Yeah, we didn't agree on a time though..."

"Anytime works for us."

You chuckle, "How you know if I'm here?"

"We'll just know," Marco winks.


Dwayne flicks his tail in the shallow water, "It has to do with the deal you made with us. Now, we're bound together."

"I didn't know about that," you frown, unsure of how to feel about that.

"Don't worry, it's nothing bad."

"I-I'm not worried."

David moves closer to you, eyes peering into yours, "Really?"


"Not even a little?" Marko tilts his head towards yours.

You're just realizing how close they are to you.

Inhaling deeply, you shake your head.

"That's good."

"We don't want to worry you, sugar."

David trails a cold hand over your flushed cheek, "So don't worry us either, okay?"

Another nod from you.

More predatory smiles from the mermen.

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