What is this?

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(I drew this as well. I got a better drawing, but I won't use it for now.)

Izuku's POV:

I woke up on a soft bed. I don't remember that the beds in the dorms were this soft. When I began moving my head, I felt the pillow, also soft.. like a cloud and a really warm blanket. Around the bed were light blue walls and two dark brown nightstands. On one of these nightstands was an alarm clock. 4:50 am. Did I sleep for that long?! My hand suddenly touched something warm, I looked down to see Mr.Aizawa sitting on the floor. His hand is on mine and his head is on the bed. Am I in his house?! I moved my arm away, hoping he was still asleep. He didn't move his body, so I quietly began lifting my body,until something pushed me down.

"Don't stand up. Your wounds haven't healed yet." He whispered to me. Who is this person that I am seeing in front of me!? The tone sounds so.. so caring... This can't be my teacher.

" Mr....

Mr. Aizawa.. Where am I?" 

"Your are in my room. You tried to jump yesterday. Why didn't you ask me for help problem child? Why didn't you text "code yellow" to me? Do you have any idea how worried I was!" His whisper turned louder and louder, until he was yelling. Suddenly, I saw the door open with a blond man standing inside of it. 

"Sho, are you alright!?" He yelled. What is Present Mic doing here? All of a sudden, our eyes met. He ran up to me and by hugged me. What is going on!?

"Hizashi." I quickly looked up to see if it was actually my dad hugging me, I was trembling now and everyone noticed.

"Little listener, what's wrong?!" I slowly backed away from him, everything was blury. Infront of me, I saw my dad. Black hair, a scary grin on his face, as he was saying:

"Izuku! Izuku! It's ok! Izuku snap out of it!" I was having trouble breathing. I don't  want to be back home. I don't want to suffer anymore!

Aizawa's POV: 

"Izuku, look at me!" He did as he was told. "Name at least three things that you can hear."

"Y-your voice. Cars h-honking outside. B-b-birds chirping.

"Good, good little listener!"

"Now, problem child, open your eyes and tell me who do you see in front of you."

"I-I see y-your and m-my m-my... My dad! Hizashi Midoriya. P-please don-dont let him t-take me b-back there!"

Mic and I looked confused at each other. Then Hizashi began to use sign language to not scare the kid. 

Should I leave the room for the little listener to calm down?

Yea. That will probably make it easier. I will also have to make a nickname for you. 

Just say Yamada for now. Or babe. I don't want the kid to be scared. But what does he mean by that? 

Guys, you know I know what you are saying right?

Izuku's POV:

They both looked at me in shock. I was finally out of my panic attack. 

"I think that something like 'zashi will be fine. And thank you, Mr. Aizawa." He just nodded, giving me a warm smile.

"Ok little listener!" 'zashi broke the silence, "I will go cook since it seems like none of us will go to bed now." Then, he left. 

"Listen kid. I don't want you to tell me right away, but please, do speak up to me. I want to see how your're doing and what happened. No one wants to hurt you or make you feel like you are in danger." I nodded and then he continued, "because of your attempt to jump, Nezu decided to give you a couple of weeks off. That includes me. We went through your files yesterday. Kid, why didn't you tell me that you no longer have a mother and that your father abused you since you were 10?"

"A-actuallu... 5. I guess now that you know I don't have a choice...

 My mom died when my dad hit her head too hard on the ground. She died on my birthday, when I just turned 5." I took a deep breath and continued. I usually told these stories to my childhood friends.. who left me thinking I was crazy.. but nowm it's easier to tell people about it.

 "Since then, my father blamed me for the death. He beat me up almost every day. When I was 10, he smashed a glass bottle too hard, but he didn't want to loose his "precious toy" this early, so he took me to the hospital. That is the first time that he went to jail. I stayed with a foster family that hated me as well. Until he came to their house, killed them, and took me back. Of course I went to school, so that it wasn't really suspicious. A couple of days ago, he left me with the house, saying that he was done. I no longer had a home or a family and it was all because of me..." 

Mr. Aizawa looked at me in shock. 

"What about Bakugo, you do seem very different, but you know he cares about you. You even told us you were childhood best friends!"

"Well, when everyone found out I was quirkless, Kacchan stopped hanging out with me and joined my bullies. He said that I broke our promise. That is why he began to beat me up every time I came to school. The only person who actually cares about me, is All might, but I am not allowed to tell you why." 

"Problem Child, but your friends! How would they take the news about your death!"

"Hah. I also thought that they were my friends. Ochaco was dating Bakugo behind my back. Todoroki had to join, or else, things would get worse. Iida couldn't take it anymore, so he left as well. Tsuyu said that this group was falling apart, making her leave me. So they wouldn't really care."

"What about me! Are you stupid problem child!"

Aizawa's POV:

He has a miserable life, no one cared about him, but does he understand that I do?!

" I have been teaching you only this year, yes but...hate to be like All Might but... Did you see how proud I was on the first day?! Do you remember when I protected you from Bakugo? Or when I yelled at All Might for overworking you! Izuku, I protected you like a son. I believed in you. And you say that no one cared..?"

Problem child just looked at me, his eyes were filled with tears. 

"Problem child. There are people that care about you. You saved us a million times and you're ready to do that again everyday. You are already a hero. Just don't give up yet." I said, giving him a hug. "'zashi is almost done, you should probably come eat."

He looked at me and smiled. A true smile. Nodded his head and said that he will be there in 10 minutes. I just nodded back and left the room.

(1185 words)

I am so stupid... (DADZAWA) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now