chapter one

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"Oi, Rongrong!" Eunji called me by my nickname before I walk past her when she was leaning on her locker, while talking to Chanyeol. I look at her, and flash a blinding smile. "Your boyfriend is at the basketball court, waiting for you."

My face immediately showed an unimpressed look at Eunji, as she just replies to it with a very very very annoying smirk. The one that she uses when she sees me and Junmyeon together? Yes, that's the one. "He is not my boyfriend."

"Well, then," Eunji says, but she pauses. There was a complete silence for a solid 7 seconds, not until she nudged Chanyeol, who was halfly pinning her onto the lockers.

Chanyeol hurriedly stood up straight and said, "He will be."

I frown at his words, and ignored how awkward he looked while saying that. Maybe that 'nudge' from Eunji felt like an elbow punch to him. I agree, Eunji is strong, indeed. She once pushed me lightly to stand infront of of Junmyeon in Chemistry class, once, that didn't feel like a light push to me since I fell right in front of Kim Junmyeon, who was just pretending to do his work for class. When I stood up, I walked past Eunji, and hit her butt lightly just to say, 'that didn't help, at all.' but she refused, saying that it really was a light push her.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever now. I'm sure he's just gonna ask me to do his Math homework for him!" I exclaim. It's no lie, he literally thinks of me as his slave, not his girl-- not his friend! He treats me like his girlfriend, but I haven't even said 'yes' to being his girlfriend, yet! Junmyeon thinks so high of himself, when in reality, he ranks 193 out of 200 students in our school.

Eunji just rolls her eyes, and indirectly dismisses me so she can talk to Chanyeol more. Those two are very confusing. They say they're just friends, but they literally do everything together. I say, they'd even share a tent and confirm nothing ever happened to the both of them. Like, who would even believe that?!

My short legs lazily walk towards the basketball court. It's not that I wanna go there, but something's telling me that Junmyeon's squad might even sing a serenade for me in class, just to get revenge at me for not coming there. I pull the door open, only to find Junmyeon sitting, drinking water with beads of sweat running down from his temples. I gulp slowly, as I walked towards him. Junmyeon never really attracts me, but I admit, whenever he shows his passion for basketball, it really looks hot.

Junmyeon's mouth formed a smile, and he spread his arms to hug me. I'm not that vague, I won't do that. I just sneered at him before taking the seat next to him.

"Why did you call me here?" I asked, with an annoyed tone, trying to show him that I am not happy to be here, right now. He smiled, again, but this time, showing his teeth. His smile didn't show as much teeth as Chanyeol's and Eunji's did, but it was bright enough.

"I really like you," he says, not long after I blush, like a total loser in front of him. This won't do. I gather courage, and roll my eyes at him. Junmyeon chuckled a bit, gaining attention from the fangirls who have just entered the court, to cheer on him. "No, I mean it. I really like you, and I want you to be my girlfriend."

The fangirls gasps in shock, showing a disgusted look at me. I just ignore the fangirls.

"I cannot answer that, Junmyeon." I say, making his fangirls gasp more. I look down to roll my eyes secretly. Does he really mean it this time?

"I-" he pauses to dismiss the fangirls, signaling them to go where they're supposed to be, which is, to the other side of our seat. Junmyeon sighed in relief when they were gone. He soon pulled my arm to exit the court, and hang out in the hallways, where no one was at. "Listen, I know you only see me as an annoying guy, homework stealer, and a stupid athlete," he looked at me, as if he was expecting me to say something denial to what he said. Junmyeon heaved a sigh when I didn't reply, but his smile remained. "But, I really like you, Park Chorong. And I promise to take care of you." Dammit, that was attractive.

I clicked my tongue, as I look away. My eyes move to him, only to roll back again, and closed. "Junmyeon, this..." I shook my head. "It's not that easy for me to believe this."

"I know," I look up at him, shocked when I hear those words from him. Normally, he would just get mad at me for testing his patience, but... "But, I mean it this time."

"Go on," I say, 'cause it was slowly getting interesting for me.

"At first, you were just that funny and cute girl in class, who would ignore school group chats if it wasn't necessary, and someone who would reject any love letters from several men on Valentine's Day, including mines, but now, it's growing on me-- you're existence is growing on me. And I know that you still don't trust me after all of the pranks I've done, but I still hope your heart opens up to me, 'cause I know that this time, it's real."

I wasted no time and wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him. The hug lasted for at least a minute, showing how happy I was. When we pulled away, he slowly got closer, but I stopped him.

"Not too fast, stupid!" I yell a bit, making him laugh.

"I guess that's a yes?" He scratched his nape, I don't know why, but small actions like this from him, really builds up in me. I nod at him as a reply, and watched him jump in happiness. Strange. I've seen this kind of action before...


Author BBOBBO time; Second story!!! I mean, third, if you add the apink gc, but anyways, it's SuRong this time! Please keep in mind that this story will have many parts that don't make sense and the updates will take much longer since I only write the story as I go. I don't have an accurate future for this story; I don't know where it's going (lol) but I will try to update this fast! And since English is NOT my first language, I might write the wrong words and grammatically incorrect so 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2020 ⏰

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