Rachel:Well then can we meet him?.


Monica leaves and I sigh.

Elizabeth:Leave 8 days and you miss all the fun.


At Monica and Rachel's Chandler is smoking out on the balcony and It was just explained to me that Monica and Ross had a dog growing up.Me and Joey are eating some pie as Ross looks at a picture for Chichi.

Joey:Let it go Ross.

Ross:Yeah well you didn't know Chichi.

Elizabeth:I agree with Ross.I had a pet guinea pig growing up.She passed before i went to college.

Monica yells coming out of her bedroom.

Monica:Do you all promise?.


Ross:We promise we'll be good.

Monica:"Shouts to Chandler".Chandler?.Do you promise to be good?.

Chandler makes a Cross my heart sign.It starts to rain and he taps on the window.

Joey:You can come in but your filter tipped little buddy has to stay outside!.

Chandler picks up a garbage can lid and uses it as an umbrella.Phoebe enters and walks to the couch and sits down and she begins to read a letter without saying hi.

Elizabeth:Hey Pheebs.

Phoebe:"Reads".Dear Ms.Buffay.Thank you for calling attention to our error.We have credited your account with five hundred dollars.We're sorry for the inconvenience and hope you'll accept this..."Searches in her purse".Football phone as our free gift... Do you believe this?!.Now I have a thousand dollars and a football phone.

Rachel:What bank is this?.

The intercom buzzes.

Monica:Hey.It's him."Into Intercom".Who is it?.

Alan:"Intercom".It's Alan.

Joey:"Shouting to Chandler".Chandler!.He's here!.

Chandler comes in dripping wet.

Monica:"To everyone".Okay please be good please.Just remember how much you all like me.

Monica opens the door and Alan enters.

Monica:Hi.Alan this is everybody.Everybody this is Alan.


Everyone:Hi Alan.


Alan:I've heard schho much about all you guyschh!.

Everyone laughs and after that Alan turns to me.

Alan:Bartender was a great movie Miss Monroe.

Elizabeth:Thank you and please call me Elizabeth.

Time pasts and now Alan is leaving the apartment.

Monica:"To Alan".Thanks.I'll call you tomorrow.

Alan leaves and Monica turns to us.

Monica:Okay.Okay let's let the Alan bashing begin.Who's gonna take the first shot hm?.

No one says anything.


Ross:I'll go...Let's start with the way he kept picking at...no I'm sorry I can't do this,can't do this.We loved him.

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