Making the Journey

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Gray is Not All Colorless

A/N: Man! I've been working on this for weeks, but I did hit a bit of a roadblock while writing it. College is killing me by trying to drown me in homework, but I've been managing to keep afloat.

But this week has already taken a toll on me. And not because of school, but for personal reasons. Reasons I don't really want to delve in on right now. All that I can say is that we suffered a loss of a life of someone very close to us.

Anyway, I'm sure you guys have waited long enough. So let's get on with the long-awaited Chapter 5. Roll it!

Chapter 5

Making the Journey

Branch had journeyed through the forest for almost all day, feeling much more determined than he had ever felt in his life before. He had a few run-ins with some dangerous predators, such as the usual hill monsters, tarantupuffs, and the worst one of them all: birds.

But he had already come so far, and it was too late to turn back now, even if he wanted to. Also, it was his idea to go and rescue those who were captured, and the other Trolls were actually counting on him. And he wasn't going to let them down, now that they really believed in him.

Unfortunately, as much as he wanted to keep going, the sky was getting darker, and the forest was even more dangerous after dark. He needed to find a safe enough place to build camp and rest for the night. Then, he can continue heading towards Bergen Town in the morning.

Soon enough, Branch had found a little clearing in the forest that was surrounded by large mushrooms. It looked pretty safe enough. The gray Troll immediately began to set up a small fire, using his flint and steel to light up bits of kindling that he found around the area.

Once it was lit, Branch got out his handmade sleeping bag and thin wool blanket from his backpack, along with a little bag of dried fruits and granola, which will serve as a light dinner.

As he quietly munched away at the food while sitting next to the fire to keep warm from the chill of the night, Branch looked up at the night sky. The stars above were twinkling beautifully, and the moon was gleaming a soft silver hue. It was such a lovely night, and for the first time in years, Branch felt like singing in the moonlight.

He remembered back when he was a young trolling, and sometimes when he couldn't sleep, he would go and find his grandmother looking out of the window of their pod, staring up at the night sky. She would notice him coming up to her, and instead of sending him back to his bed, she would pick him up and he could look out the window with her.

That was when she taught him about wishes on stars. "If you believe in that wish with everything you have, and make it on the brightest star you see, then it's sure to come true." She had told him.

"Really?" He asked.

His grandmother nodded. "Yes." She said. "But there is a little secret about wishes on stars. When you make the wish, the star can only take you part of the way."

"Only part of it?" Branch asked.

"Yes." His grandmother said. "You have to help it along with some hard work of your own. With your willpower and faith combined, there is nothing you can't do."

The events of that night had always been in the back of his mind ever since. At first, he had tried as best as he could to push it away, for the sweet little memory only added to the bitter heartbreak.

But now, feeling the most determined that he ever felt before about something, the memory only added to the resolvement that he knew what he was doing, what he was getting into, and that he actually had a chance of succeeding.

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