Leaving the house, he approached a speeder and stole it and then ran to the sector. While driving at a high speed, he contacted his Officer.

'Yes General!

'I want to prepare a full squadron of bombers to target this postion!

'It will be ready sir! When?

'Await my order and then destroy that place!

'Yes sir!

The hologram dissapeared. He eventually reached Sector 46. It was heavily guarded. Deciding to act casually, he approached the main entrance.

'Hey! Stranger! Back out, this is a private space.

Grievous didn't bothered and continued to walk, hided by his cloak.

'Hey you! I said stop!

The guard pulled his blaster.


Grievous looked around. There were more soliders approaching him. Fortunately for him, the entrance wasn't full of people.

'This is the...

While the guard spoke, Grievous impaled him with his lightsaber. The other soliders started shooting at the cyborg, but it was useless. Grievous rend through them, slicing and cutting to pieces his enemies. After a few minutes, there were only severed body parts on the floor.

'Such a waste of my time...

Looking at the huge entrance door, he made his own entrance with his lightsabers. Hitting the metal, a circle of durasteel flew across the corridor. Entering, he saw two bodyguards coming for him. He streched out and caught one of them with his foot, while the other was impaled. Chocking the surviving one, he asked coldly:

'Where is the Spice Lord?

'.... he... is in the... Main Tower. Take the turbolft...

Crushing his neck, the General's clawed feet remained stained in blood. Running to the elevator, he destroyed the doors and using his magnetized legs and arms , he started climbing up.

In the chamber above the Supply Depot, the Spice Lord, a ruthless mandalorian was talking to the Corellian Representative.

'We are no longer able to remain neutral. We must surrender to Grievous!

'No!the pirate talked angrily. I won't let our base of operations under Separatist Control! No one is manuveuring our Underwold Cartel.

'How fortunate to be here to disagree.

The General's cold and unforgiving voice startled the two men.

'How did you get here?!

'General, we are deeply sorry for what happened during our ...

'Shut up! I am here to end the Spice Operation of the Core Worlds. Your Supply Depot will be destroyed!

'Never! You can't do it! Even if you are a powerfull droid, General, I am a mandalorian!

He revealed a dark lightsaber , simillar to the one Darth Maul was using.

'After the fall of the Shadow Collective, I recovered this weapon and took control over the Black Sun Crime Bosses! And I have learned how to use it!


'What's so funny?

'If a Sith Apprentice couldn't kill me with that, I doubt you will! Die , pirate scum!

Grievous revealed all his four arms and attacked. The Spice Lord was overwhelmed in a mere seconds, so he used his jet to fly above. Pulling his blasters, he started to shoot Grievous. Clearly pissed off by the mandalorian cowardice, he jumped on him, destroying his jet and threw him in the wall. Using a magnetic cable, the mandalorian targeted Grievous hands and pulled his lightsabers away.

'So you want a close fight! You can't be serious!

Grievous sprinted to the Spice Lord and started beating him badly. Using his clawed feet, he stomped him in the floor, crushing his helmet, the the cyborg broke the room window with him. Approaching the dying pirate, Grievous caught him by the throat and started to choke him, while he hunged above the Supply Depot.

'This is what happens when you fight the CIS!

Sending the bombardemnt, Grievous and the Spice Lord saw how the vulture droids destroyed all the sector. 46 was now a dead number. Seeing his mission a succes , he left the mandalorian to fall into the wreckage of the old buldings.

Turning around, Grievous saw that the Corellian Representative was still online.

'You are a powerfull individual, my lord! The Corellian Goverment is ready to surrender!

'Very well! I will send my battle droids to your capital and a planetary commander. Treat him as your new master.

'Yes General...

A beep sounded in Grievous's arm.


'What is it Officer?!

'A Republic fleet appeared out of nowhere! There are 3 Venator Class-Destroyers, and 6 Aclamator Class-Ships!

'Hmm... I will arrive on the orbit shortly! Fire our Ion Cannons until then! Don't let their bombers approach them!

'Yes sir!

'The fight has just started...

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