I looked at, it was a text from Deku.

'Just so you know, I didn't leave you :p. Just went back to my room, I didn't want to wake you when I left. So, goodnight Ariella, love you and I'll see you in the morning.'

I responded back, even though it was a late response at 10:30 pm, and held it in my hand for a bit. I was about to put back when another text came through, I smiled.

It's Deku!

Soon as I looked my smiled vanished, it was an unknown number with an image or a video link attached to it. I clicked it, it was a video and I instantly fell sick to my stomach.

'Breaking News!

'Jack Hino, long time business owner and now convict has escaped from prison! He hasn't been seen anywhere, no one has set eyes on him. Not even us, the media!

Prison guards say he's armed and dangerous and could be anywhere by now! With this storm starting to get worse by the minute it's only gonna make things worse.

If anyone sees him, notify the police right away! Here is a picture of his mug shot...'

I threw my phone across my bed with such force, it nicked the headboard. I couldn't watch it anymore, and I ran for the bathroom. I ran to my toilet, flung it open and my dinner made a reappearance. I flushed it down and rested up against the bowl, I was shaking.

Part of it was from me puking and the other was rage forming it's way throughout my body.

No! No, no, no! I'm going to kill him for this!

After a few minutes I was able to make it back to my bed and lay down. My phone buzzed again, I jumped. I took a quick glance at it, it was that same unknown number again.

My hand shook as I reached for it, it was just a message this time.

It read: 'Told you, you'd be in for a rude awakening, Ariella!'

I gripped my phone tight, that number was none other than Toga.

I took a deep breath and calmed myself the best I could and put my phone back on the end table. I laid back and stared up at my ceiling as silent red tears started streaming down my cheeks.

The media may not know where he is, but I do. And I'm leaving tomorrow...

I closed my eyes tight, trying to forget what I just saw and I cried myself to sleep.

Morning came and it was still storming, the wind howled as the rain hit the windows like rocks. Slowly I started to wake myself up and I turned to my side to face the window.

I jumped suddenly and looked at my end table, it was my alarm, telling me I should get up and ready for school now. It kept ringing and ringing and I had enough. I slammed my hand down on my phone and it went silent.

I'm not going to school anyway...

After a few minutes the clock struck 7:00 am and there was a soft knock at my door.

"What?" I said hoarsely, it cracked open.

"Ariella? It's Syu, are you ready to go? It's 7:00 you know."

"I know that and I don't care, I'm not feeling to good today, Syu. I won't be going to school, please leave I need to sleep."

She ignored me and took a step in, "Are you sure? You don't sound like you feel sick."

I turned to from the window and faced her, her eyes went and she backed her way out of my room.

"Do I look like I'm sure?" I snapped.

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