Chapter One

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"Stop it Cam!"

"I won't until you say it"


Cam and I had been friends since 8 years now. We have a very strong relationship, as friends. He's always kind and sweet with me and he treats me like a princess.

We always play around and he forces me to say that I love him everytime. Since the day we met we are always together.

My best friends, Fabi and Britt, say that he has a crush on me and that we are dating; of course it became a rumor.

Cam didn't care about it and I did not either.


As always, Cam came to my house after school and we started watching "Dr house".

Everytime blood appears Cam hides his face on my chest and almost cries. He always do it and I mock him, but this time it was different.

"Ready Cam, you can see now" I said while stroking his hair.

"It's so comfy here" and he moved his head in order to watch tv.

I didn't know what to say. My life friend was laying his head on my boobs and I like it. If it was in other opportunity I'll slap his face and take his head off my chest. But as I said before, something changed that day.


Hey guys! I hope you like the beggining of this.... Im new at writing and sorry if i make some mistakes. Im going to tell you somethings about me:

-My name is Josefina Cristofaro (call me Jo)
-Im argentinian
-My birthday is on August 30th
-Im totally in love with Cameron Dallas and Nash Grier (Tw: @cashuniversal)
-God lover

Love you, J


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