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Peter is late. He has yet to replace his alarm clock after breaking it (again) in a rush to turn it off. His hair is sticking up at places where he would prefer it to lay down, his shirt is wrinkled and his sweater is on backwards. 

It's a mess. It's a messy morning. A messy week. He has two tests just this morning, a Spanish project he needs to finish by friday and a literature quiz he needs to study for. All he wants to do though, is go back to bed and sleep until his bruised hip and split lip is healed. 

He can't do that. He has a stupid math test in thirty minutes and he has yet to put his shoes on. May is already at work so he can't ask her to drive him, and he doesn't want to swing around the city with his backpack. (New York doesn't need to know that Spider-Man is in highschool, people tend to not be scared off by teenagers in tights.) 

He runs out the door with a burnt toast between his teeth, backpack over his shoulder and shoelaces wrapping around his ankles with each jump down the stairs (Thank the disturbed scientist at oscorp for spider powers when they're really needed.), and runs straight into one of his biggest superhero idols on the way out of the building. Oof

"Sorry! Sorry, I didn't see where I was going!" He manages to push out between teeth and toast and melted butter as he shuffles past and pushes open the door. 

He stops in his tracks with his palms on the glass. Wait a minute. He turns around to see none other than the Tony Stark standing in the middle of the hallway, hands in pockets, sunglasses on his nose and a very amused smile on his face. He looks like a god, and Peter doesn't know what to do with himself.

"You're Iron man!" He says, and oh my God. Idiot! The hero smirks and nods. Great job, Parker.

"The one and only. You in a hurry, kid?" Right. Test. School. Important for college stuff. Iron man is standing in front of me! Oh my God! Holy shit!

"Wh— ye— no? Can I help you sir?" Mr. Stark quirks an eyebrow and Peter wants to slap himself. 

"You're not sure? I can give you a lift, and we can talk in the car?" Tony Stark wants to talk to me? 

"I'm sorry, but I was taught not to get into cars with people I don't know. Stranger Danger and all that." Peter's pretty sure his brain just went offline. He's Spider-Man for fucks sake. But there's a slight tingle in the back of his neck, so maybe getting into that car isn't such a good idea anyway. 

"Well, in that case — "the billionaire takes two long steps until he's standing very close to Peter's personal space, and he instinctively wants to take a step back. He can smell the ridiculously expensive cologne on the man's clothes and count every eyelash behind the yellow tinted sunglasses. (How is it even legal for a man to have such long eyelashes)

" — Hi! I'm Tony Stark, also known as Iron man and the owner of Stark Industries." He stretches out his hand for Peter to shake, but his brain is a liquid mass of what the actual fuck and all he can do is look at it. 

Until the very important man in expensive suit and cologne (and oh my God Tony Stark wants to shake my hand) is clearing his throat, looking just a little impatient. Right. Peter dries off his sweaty, shaking hand on his old, worn down jeans and makes sure not to crush the man's hand in his grip. Shake three times. Firm, not abusive. You got this Parker. Holy shit I'm shaking hands with Iron man! 

"Peter, sir. Parker." He has to remember to congratulate himself later, when he's done fanboying, for not stuttering and sounding somewhat like the semi humanoid adult he's so desperately trying to pretend he is.

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