Hermione smiled. She couldn't believe that it would be that hard, but then again she had never been in love. She skipped up the stairs happy thinking about how happy two of her best friends hopefully would be toghether tomorrow but her smile faultered when she remembered what she had to go through first.

"Ehm Gin, I have to leave I'm meeting some people at the office so I have to apparate...now" Ginny suddenly looked suspicious. "Who? Are you meeting Oliver?!" Hermione threw herself over Ginny covering her mouth. "No, I am not, it's nothing" She saw Ginnys face and made sure to not let go of her mouth. "It's...Malfoy" Ginnys scream could be heard even from under Hermiones hand. "WHAT?! Since when? Why?"

"Well I invited him to the party and he can't get there by himself, now can he?"

"Why would you invite a slytherin to our party and why him? Are you nuts? Seriously, we're taking you to st Mungos right away! No seriously, you're not taking him there and you can't leave, you have some serious things to tell me!"

Hermione winced and sat down next to Ginny. "You have to be quiet, someone can hear okay? This man at the ministry, Mr. Marks asked me what I was doing tonight and I thought that if I asked Malfoy to a party with me, he might think that I was interested in Malfoy and back off. However, Malfoy accepted and suddenly he and Mr. Marks were best friends and somehow he was also invited. I don't know what to do!"

"Well a Malfoy won't get in to that party, that's for sure, but if he isn't a Malfoy he might... You don't think we can just leave him do you?" Hermione relaxed when Ginny said "we", she couldn't do this by herself.

"I can't do that to him, he might stay there the whole night waiting."

"He might certainly not, but whatever, we'll get him, You are Hermione after all, makes sense you won't leave him there. You go there and take him to the party and then hide him. I'll find some polyjuice potion and find you there, okay?"

Hermione was sitting in the reception alone. She had arrived five minutes late and now been sitting here for another ten minutes. Maybe he was just home sleeping and thought the idea of her standing here by herself hilarious. CRACK Mr. Mark was suddenly standing in the room with her. He was wobbling slightly and smiled when he spotted her. "Oh I thought you would leave. I told Draco that we should come here in time but he said that you would stay so we could keep you waiting. I thought it was fun but kind of mean, you know? Wasting you time. But he will be here in twenty minutes or something." Hermione looked at him in disgust. Not only did he participate in making her wait but he told her about it? How stupid was he? "Well not that I mind spending this time lone with you" Hermione smiled, a smile that was very false and it scared her how much she had used it lately."But I don't really feel like waiting so, are we leaving?" CRACK Malfoy appeared in front of them. " What are you doing here?" He glared at Mr. Mark. "I thought I told you to be late?"

"Well I'm leaving" Mr. Mark and Malfoy grabbed her and she felt the familiar spinning in her stomach. When they landed, Hermione was stunned, there were people everywhere. How was she supposed to find Ginny here? She grabbed Malfoy and started to drag him behind her towards the trees. She realized that Mr. Mark already was lost and that if one of the gryffindors in her year found him he would be thrown out. She really didn't care, maybe it was good that it was so crowded.

"What do you think you're doing?" Malfoys arm was suddenly ripped out of her grasp. "Well getting you some polyjuice potion of course, do you think they will let a Malfoy stay?" Hermione had never seen Malfoy surprised, but he actually looked shocked. "Oh"

When they was in the woods and the rest of the party couldn't see them anymore she stopped and turned around, facing him. "We have to find Ginny somehow, but I really have no idea how. She said that she would find us, maybe she uses her broom. I really don't see another way of moving around here without getting lost."

Malfoys nimbus suddenly appeared and he mounted it. "What are you waiting for? Get on!"

Hermione took a step back. "I'm not flying" "Yes you are, how will we else find her?" "I don't know, I don't care" Malfoy grabbed her and pulled her on the broom, leaving the ground. She was hanging in the air for several meters before she was finally on the broom. She couldn't scream she just stopped breathing.

She felt warm arms around her and heard Ginnys soothing voice in her ear. "It's Okey. You have landed, just please open your eyes and talk to me." she slowly opened her eyes and realized that she was shaking. Every tenth second shiver would go down her spine and between them she would be shaking. Her face was wet and she realized that she had been crying. When she was calm enough to sit up by herself, Ginny left her. She went right over to Malfoy, who Hermione noticed was still there looking as himself. "You! Everyone knows how she feels about flying." She slapped him. Ginny Weasly actually slapped Draco Malfoy. "I'm sorry, okay? I just thought she would be a little scared, not pass out!"

"I don't really care, I'm out of here." Ginny grabbed Hermione and disapparated. She arrived at a cafe where she and Hermione had met many times before. She noticed that Malfoy had followed, probably just took hold of one of them but she ignored him and led Hermione in.

They sat down in a booth in the corner, Malfoy still following. "Get us coffee" Draco didn't question the tone. He knew who the now red-faced redhead was and everyone knew that weaslette could have a temper.

When he was back with the coffee Hermione was asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2012 ⏰

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