Now having the opportunity to breathe the heavy air of the dark London streets Harry felt like vapourising to join the smog because he’d need to explain magic first and foremost considering that was his main mode of transport which he’d somehow forgotten to consider. He rubbed his face discreetly in exasperation at his own foolish actions, you would have thought he’d learned by now not to rush into things. Gazing briefly at the cobbled stones beneath him that were dusted with a white highlighted by the dim street lamps, he realised he was simply putting off the inevitable. He flicked a look to Tom who was dragging his feet more than he’d like. Eyeing the next alley on the, surprisingly still busy, main road he placed his free hand on Tom’s shoulder, not wanting to lose him to the shadows that crept along the grimy city surfaces. He didn’t expect the child to flinch beneath his touch, unfortunately in a way which Harry recognised for he did it himself for many years. He resisted the urge to glance at him. Weaving through a few more bodies he sharply turned them into the alley, the soft crunch of his worn boots left imprints in the untouched snow. Once they were deep into the alley and there were no others to be seen he crouched low, placing the bundle of possessions beside them and gently pulled Tom by the elbow to face him in the little light there was but a wince startled past gritted teeth. Harry snapped back his hand, accidentally falling into an old habit.

“Sorry.” The word escaped on a breath, then a misplaced and wry smile cracked his lips. What a pair they made, it seemed physical touch was going to be a challenge between them. Surprisingly, the dark haired child didn’t complain but he did slide his eyes to the dampening sheet protecting his belongings, then the ground and rubbed his sore arm uneasily, no doubt due to their current location. Of course he’d be anxious after being dragged down a dark alley at night by someone who was still a stranger Harry scolded himself. Wanting to end things quickly he took a deep breath, steeling himself for his next words.

“Do you believe in magic?” The reaction was instantaneous and a spark of mild amusement tinted Harry’s solemn gaze. Bewildered, wide eyes zipped up to meet his own. His face ran through emotions like a soap opera, paying special attention to disbelief, until he settled on baffled distrust. Harry hesitantly explained himself.

“I’m sure things have happened to you that seemed strange, times where you wanted something to happen and it just did. Like today — well, that's not the best example. What I’m trying to say is that, what you have, what that was, is magic.” After fumbling out the worst clarification possible, he dragged his bespectacled gaze across the young boy as he waited for the click to occur when every detail falls into place and it all starts to make sense. The raised eyebrows and blank look he was receiving didn’t fill him with much hope. Harry’s shoulders fell with an exhale but he tried again.

“You’re a wizard Tom, like me.” Against his better judgement, he pulled out his dear holly wand from beneath his cloak, almost missing Tom’s subtle flinch as he did so.

“Lumos” He whispered with a flick and the ally lit up with a warm glow. The light bounced off the white snow and onto the high walls, illuminating their red tinged faces and foggy breaths. Awe slowly morphed Tom’s guarded expression as he took in the shining wand. Seemingly entranced, he let his arm go, lifting it with extended fingers towards the light like a moth to a flame. Harry pulled it back from the reaching hand but didn’t end the spell, the reaction was too endearing, is this what he’d looked like when he first saw magic? The thought brought a tender smile to his lips. Tom however was unaware of anything but the wand. He wanted it. He stretched further but Harry just brought it out of his reach once more; a subtle amusement danced across his features which vanished like ice in a desert when dark colourings were glimpsed beneath a short sleeved shirt and a pullover.

With a speed honed from years of danger he grabbed the icy outstretched arm and pulled it upwards, eyes laden with concern took in the mottled bruise that covered most of his bony elbow. A simmering anger laced his brows together. Tom was wrenched out of his enraptured state and a startled fear settled deep within his stomach as the man, who he now knew to be a wizard, firmly held his wrist. Green eyes stared his arm into submission.

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