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After about half an hour of Todoroki talking with Kaminari, he slipped up. His lack of a filter could often get him in spots, not always easy to get out of.

"Oh man," Kaminari laughed, wiping away a tear in his eye. "You're hilarious man, we really don't hang out much so I don't really know that much about you,"

"Why do you have a crush on me then?"


He hadn't meant to say that, he really didn't, but that was the perfect opportunity to ask so it came out. Just like most of when Todoroki is speaking, the words just glow out of his mouth with little to no thought behind them, no filter. And now, because of his God forsaken mouth, Todoroki had to look at a both stunned and horrified looking Kaminari.

"What?" Kaminari breathed, barely above a whisper, eyes bulging and blushing strawberry red.

Todoroki sighed, theres no point in covering up what he said so he might as well get on with it.

"You do have a crush on me, don't you?" He asked, only causing Kaminari to blush harder (was that even possible?) and splutter incoherently.

"How d'you figure?" Kaminari managed to squeak out eventually.

Todoroki almost laughed at this. "If you're trying to make it seem like you don't, it's not working," he said, smiling kindly at the other boy.

Kaminari sighed, looking away and still blushing madly. "How did you find out?" He asked witheringly.

"If I'm being honest, I heard it from Ashido," Todoroki said, almost facepalming directly after.

"She what-"

"Not directly, I just happen to be... there," Shouto interrupted and cringed even harder at his own words.

"I thought she told the girls through the group chat, not in person?" Kaminari questioned, still on shock.

"It really doesn't matter," Todoroki dismissed. "You didn't answer the question."

Kaminari shook his head to gather his thoughts. "Uh- what's the question again?"

"Why do you like me when we don't know eachother very well?" Todoroki repeated, a little more desperately this time.

"Besides you being really hot-?"

"Everyone keeps saying that-"

"You're a genuine guy," Kaminari said earnestly. "Anyone can see that, I don't need to know you well to know it,"

This time, it was Todoroki's turn to blush though his was more easy to conceal. "Y-you think so?"

"Yeah, sorry if that makes you uncomfortable, I'll just try and forget about it so-"

"Wait," Todoroki grabbed onto Kaminari's shoulder and finally got him to look his way again out of the shock. "Why try and forget about something so special and beautiful?"

"I-what?" Kaminari was just getting more confused.

"Feeling aren't something you should just force out if your head, doing stuff like that only makes them stronger," Todoroki said, glancing down hatefully at his own clenched fist in his lap before looking back into Kaminari's eyes. "They're something you should cherish, hold onto, until they either subside on their own or become a part of you forever."

"But those emotions aren't going to go away, you're just great all the time and it's only gonna make it worse," Kaminari pouted which Todoroki found immensely adorable.

"Why do you want to get rid of them?" Todoroki asked softly, slowly bringing his hand from Kaminari's shoulder and up to his cheek.

Kaminari blushed furiously again just as it was subsiding. "W-well y-you d-d-don't-"

Hah, Gay! (Todokami Chatfic Thingy)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin