Episode XXXIIII (Rise of Skywalker) Part Two, Secrets

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I bit my lip and hesitated. I remember when Master Nova told me this. She said that it's not the same for all apprentices but for most you have to put an end to what you are most attached to. I had asked her what her task was when she was an apprentice but then I got yelled at. She said that you should never ever ask a Sith what their task was. It's a violation of privacy. But I only asked out of pure curiosity. What could have possibly been so private to not ask about? Whatever it was is gone anyway right?
"Eliminate your strongest attachment and your Mentor." I said simply, looking to the floor.

"You did good, Miss Reed." The brown-haired General gave me a small grin and patted me on the shoulder.
"Let's start with your force usage."

"Alright then." I grinned as well.
"See that white towel over there? Take it and tie it around your head as a blind fold." She pointed over to the towel hanging on the rack in the corner. I nodded then went over and grabbed it lifting it up to my eyes and tying a knot in the back. All I could see was darkness.
"Okay, so what I want you to do is predict my movements and actions, alright?" I heard from under the blind fold. "Mhm." Was all I said in response.
Immediatly there was silence and suspension in the room. I anticipated that since General Saxe was in front of me and this would probably be a combat lesson instead of a Force lesson, she would move behind me and under kick me so I came up with a plan to turn around swiftly and soft punch her. I would never try to hurt General Saxe but it is training. I waited about twenty seconds before I figured she would try an under kick on me so I did as I planed and turned around but when I tried a punch my fist met nothing but air. Then a hand from behind me grabbed my forearm and pulled it behind my back. I yelped not in pain but in surprise. "I see Nova hasn't taught you predictions yet." Chuckled a voice from behind me. It was Saxe. She outsmarted me.
"You see, what you did was guessing. Guessing your opponent's actions is way more dangerous and can get you killed in an instant. What I'm telling you to do is Force prediction in combat. From what I understand, it is reaching out with your feelings into the Force then from doing that you can sense your opponent and easily predict their moves without guessing. So let's try it again."
General Saxe let go of my arm.
"This time, reach out into the force."
Taking a deep breath, I nodded then calmed myself down a little. Instantly I could feel everything around me including General Saxe. I could sense her breathing, heart rate, even every time she blinked. I focused on her movements. She lifted her left- no, right foot ever so slightly and took a step to the side then repeated with the left foot. She kept on trying to confuse me by moving from one side to the other or by making me think she was about to go one way but was actaully going the other. Soon General Saxe decided to stay behind me. I focused hard on her energy for energy can sometimes reflect intention.

In a sudden movement, I ducked, moved behind Saxe then grab her arm and pulled it behind her. I smirked at my small victory.
"That's the result I'm looking for!" General Saxe exclaimed.
"I pick up on stuff really quickly." I said, releasing her then taking off the blindfold.
"Keep it up and maybe you'll end up being a Captain soon!" She continued. "The Supreme Leader will surely notice your skills."
"I don't really seek approval from Supreme Leader Ren though. I mostly seek Master Nova's and my own. But who knows. Maybe someday I'll be something special to the First Order." I shrugged.

"Only time will tell, Young One." Saxe replied.
"But time can be very mischievous and playful." I pointed out.
"That is true but once you learn how to wield time properly, then you can pick and choose your path. But you must choose wisely. Some who are blind to see what is good for them will choose the wrong road."
I smiled softly as I nodded.


Walking down the hallways with BB-7A at my side, we explored the large Steadfast trying to figure out it's secrets. For the past few weeks we have been exploring together when I'm not training with Master Nova (She really trusts me with 7A). It's interesting really, it's so big who knows what could be hiding in here! I looked down to my side upon hearring 7A whistle worriedly.
"What's wrong?" I asked stopping my walking in the process. She beeped again then went and hid behind my legs. I scrunched my face in confusion as I glanced at her then the four Stormtroopers who weren't that far away from us. "What? They're just Stormtroopers, they can't do anything to you....... Ah, I see. You know what, screw it." I started to walk towards the Stormtrooper Quarters and the four Troopers out side the door. 7A started to beep loudly to try and get me to stop but I kept on going and eventually she followed but kept her distance.
One of the Stormtroopers noticed me then hoisted their blaster on their shoulder.
"Oh look at what we have here." She started mockingly when 7A and I stopped in front of them. "It's the Commander's little droid and.... Oh! Her little apprentice too. Weren't you supposed to be sent to Special Forces?"
I gulped but held my confident posture. "Yes, that is correct." I answered.

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