Chapter 1

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Maggie sighed, shifting in her chair looking around her small office

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Maggie sighed, shifting in her chair looking around her small office. her boss margie was beginning to become a nuisance. She had finished her review for a book about vampires and sighed again understanding why her favorite band said no to writing a song for her.
As she started packing her things she heard a small ding from my phone

Wonder boy: hey you still up for coffee!

Maggie: duh what kind of low life do you take me for :))))

Wonder boi: Heh see you in five?

Maggie: see you in three! Bye

Wonder boy: bye.

Maggie grabbed her stuff and headed to the tiny coffee shop down the road. Spencer sat in the corner a book in hand and two coffees placed on the table. The two of you had been dating for a few weeks you had met him at the library and he was getting a physics book, you getting a chemistry book, and the minute you started taking you hit it off. and the rest was history.

"Hey you" maggie said poking his arm getting his attention

"Oh hey" spencer replied putting his book down taking a sip of his coffee "how was work"

"Pretty average" I smiled drinking my coffee "my boss has been harassing me to give that stupid vampire book i think its called dawn i think"

I've never heard of it, he said, looking out the window at the passing cars, noticing a particular  person and getting tense. When i looked i saw a darker man maybe 6'1 or two bald and wore a t shirt
Whos that i asked confused finishing my cup of coffee

"Uh that's my coworker Derek Morgan, he's one of my best friends" he smiled and stuffed again when he saw a stern looking man. "And that's my boss hotch" he added

Why are they here you asked looking at him

I don't know for sure he said taking your hand leading you out of the coffee shop and towards the to men

forever and alwaysحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن