Romano x Dying!Reader

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You were in the bed, not awake. There was no chance of you waking up, according to the doctors. You were diagnosed with an unknown disease, shocking your friends.

Your friend, Romano, sat there by your side. He was always there for you. He had a secret though...

He was in love with you. So, when he discovered, he was there every step of the way.

Everyday was a struggle. Making it harder and harder. Eventually, your body couldn't take it. You collapsed. Romano tried to wake you, but it wouldn't work.

Italy couldn't understand, Germany said you were just visiting a friend. You would have cried if you knew that.

You laid in the bed still, with Romano next to you. He was struggling as well, but not physically.

When they told him to leave he would yell at the nurse, making a new one every week.

Romano stared at the clock. Tomorrow was going to be the exact day you came to the hospital. One year.

"Excuse me, sir..." A nurse said.

"Ancora cinque minuti..." Romano asked.

"I'm sorry, but you have to go now." Another nurse said firmly.

"FINE." He gritted his teeth.

He left the hospital.



Romano awoken to his phone ringing.

"Hello?! Who are you and what the hell do you want this time at night?!" His eyes widened. It was the hospital.

"Your friend has waken, but is deeply sick..." The doctor said as Romano ran into the hospital. "Here's a mask..."

Romano threw on the mask.

When he opened the door, his heart broke.

You sat there weakly, hardly breathing. You held out your hand when you saw him.

"Romano..." You said not above a whisper.

"(Y/N)!" He cried

You smiled a bit.

"Romano... They say I'm going to die..."

"What?! You can't die! Not yet!" He yelled.

"Romano..." You hear a voice say. It was Italy, he had followed Romano. "Why... Why are you being so selfish?!"

Italy started crying.

"You... You know she's suffering... I know she's suffering... Just let her be..."

"You're right..." Romano hugged Italy. "(Y/N)... I-I love you..."

Your eyes widened as you smiled.

"I-" You started.

A long beep happened.

Romano looked at your body.

"NO!" He yelled, hugging it.

Italy sobbed near by the bed.

This wasn't supposed to happen! Romano chanted in his head.

The doctors ran in and apologized.

"Romano... She died happy..." Italy pointed out.

Romano cried as the doctors left with your body.

"Io non ti dimenticherò mai, e i momenti felici che abbiamo avuto..." Romano cried. "Il mio amore..."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2015 ⏰

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