Show Me A Good Time

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"Wakey wakey" says the voice of an unknown woman. It's then I realize that I'm blindfolded. The mystery lady straddles me as she removes my blindfold. After blinking a couple of times, I look around and see myself only in my Calvin Klein's. My arms and legs are abound to a bed. I ask her who she is but she doesn't answer.

Upon further inspection, the lady is wearing a black one piece, reminiscent of something a gymnast would wear (or a cat burglar). Her black centric look is completed with a pair of stockings which only further pique my interest. Stuck in my own head, I failed to notice the lady strolling to the other side of the room to the light switch. Suddenly, the room goes dark,  with slight traces of moonlight creeping in and illuminating sections of the room through a window behind the bed.

"You still there?" I ask. Silence. "I still have no idea who you a-" I'm cut off as the mystery lady jumps on top of me and begins to kiss me. After a few moments, she relents. "Um ok" I blurt out confused. The mystery women giggles at my bewilderment. She then starts feeling my up, massaging my upper body until she begins to plant kisses along my neck and collarbone. The kisses begin to trail lower and lower.

When she reaches my navel, I catch her attention by saying "Can't get enough of me huh?" A wry chuckle escapes her lips before she speaking for the first time. "You'd best hold your tongue while you're completely at someone else's mercy." she jabs. Clearly hearing her voice for the first time, it's a soft, sultry tone with an Eastern European accent. "True, but you seem more interested in loving me than hurting me at the moment," I rebuttal. That comment earned me a hearty laugh. "Fair enough, but I'd recommend staying on my good side," her last words were punctuated with a surprise squeeze of my sides which made me let out a ticklish yelp.

"Hmph. Sensitive are we?" she taunts. "Just a little surprised is all" not wanting to reveal a weakness. Unfortunately, she didn't take my bluff and begins to poke and prod my stomach. "Who even are you?" I asked again. This time she smugly replied, "I'm your secret admirer." She continues to toy with my stomach, earning a few squirms on my part. "Having fun there?" I ask cheekily while stifling laughter. "Don't mind me, just exploring" she replies as she makes her way up my body and begins tickling me under my arms. I try to squirm out of her grasp to no avail. Within a matter of moments, I'm laughing fully. "Still surprised?" she taunts. I ignore her remark not wanting to worsen my punishment. Completely at her mercy, she begins exploring my body for sensitive sports to torment.

Exploring my body, she eventually finds her way to my inner thighs. An instant change in octave let's her know she's found a deadly spot. She pauses, asking "Still think I'm so kind?" I breathily reply, "Considering I'm not dead yet, I'd say so." "Allow me to kill you right now then," she exclaims before restarting her torment. Every flick of her finger sends tremors throughout my body. Bringing one hand to my side, she tickles me in both places at once with her hand on my inner thigh quickly approaching the crux of my lower half.

As her hands reach my boxer briefs, she giggles and taunts me as she notices the changing depth of the fabric, "Ooo getting aroused are we?" Sliding the clothing down, she gasps as my member stands erect in all of it's eight and a half inch glory. Lust quickly overtakes her as she goes from tickling parts of my crotch to stroking me. Just as I begin to groan with pleasure, she stops, much to my chagrin. "Just when it was getting good," I defeatedly stated. "Oh fret not, it's about to get a whole lot better." I hear the click of a bottle opening and soon I find the cool, slick sensation of baby oil on my cock, only to be rubbed in by her bare feet. I could only assume she'd removed her stockings while I wasn't watching. My member hardens further as my moans increase in frequency and volume.

After a while, her toes stop their motions as she roles down her one piece to utilize her breasts instead. Glimpses of her via traces moonlight revealed that she was fairly well-endowed. Although it was hard to tell, I reckoned she was at the very least a C-cup with an above average band size. The sensation of my cock between her soft, well-sized chest pushed me even closer to the edge. Endorphins coursing through my body, I'm in ecstasy. Between moans, I beckoned her to come kiss me, a request that she happily obliged. Her soft lips tasted sweeter this time than the first. Hand stroking me, bare breasts pressed against my body, tongues dancing in unison rather fighting for dominance, all my previous qualms with my current predicament left me as I was overwhelmed with euphoria. Not soon after, I was at my limit. Realizing this, the mystery lady tightens her grip and speeds up. Release. Leaving my lips, she brought her hand up to our faces and I watched her lick some of the secretion from her fingers. "Kinky," I slyly commented. "Your husky moans seem to have an effect on me," she revealed. She then got up to wipe off the rest of my cum from her hand.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2020 ⏰

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Show Me a Good Time (Male Reader x Mystery Woman) (F/M tkl) (lemon)Where stories live. Discover now