Phoebe:Chandler Bing.

Phoebe:Chandler Bing

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Phoebe:And Joey.

Phoebe:And Joey

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Joey:"Flirty".Hey How you doin?.

Elizabeth:"Smirks".Fine thank you for asking Joey.

Chandler:"Laughs".She totally dodged you dude.

   I laugh at his comment and Phoebe looks at me.

Phoebe:Your always dodging guys.

Elizabeth:Well Yeah.I am used to the flirting.Its a day to day occurance.

   Soon I hear someone walk up behind me and I turn around to see a young bartender.

   Soon I hear someone walk up behind me and I turn around to see a young bartender

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Phoebe:Elizabeth this is Gunther.

Elizabeth:"Smiles".Hello Gunther.

Gunther:Your Elizabeth Monroe from the movie Bartender!.

Elizabeth:I would assume so."Smirks".

Gunther:W-w-would you sign my tie?.

   I smile and take the pen he offers me and i sign his tie for him.Once I am done i hand the pen back to him to see him blushing.He tries to say something but runs away instead.

Phoebe:Wow you handled that well.

Elizabeth:"Laughs".After the 5th autograph I was asked to sign these things just come naturally now.

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