the order of who bloody cares

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Catherine and Daphne fidgeted uncomfortably as they sat at the kitchen table. At the head of it stood Kingsley Shacklebolt, a colleague of Catherine's father. Next to him was Arthur Weasley, who seemed quite deep in thought. He was propped up in a chair with evident scarring from his recent attack. Across from him was a smirking Sirius; well, he was now smirking because Harry was allowed to stay at the meeting. Remus Lupin sat beside him with Harry to his right. Mad-Eye Moody, the real one, was positioned in the corner with a hard glare at the two blondes, obviously not perceptive to their charms. He even called everyone a bunch of monkeys, namely Harry, for being stupid enough to just let to pretty girls waltz in ("Just cause you want to see what's under her skirt, doesn't mean you can give out private locations!").

The rest of the table held unfamiliar faces.

"I'm Tonks," the purple haired witch introduced.

"Oh, you're Draco's cousin," exclaimed Daphne.

Catherine tried to hide her disgust at the auror, but she wasn't truly able to.

"And I can see you definitely are his friend," Tonks replied before facing the other way. Daphne nudged Catherine with a disapproving look, but she merely waved her off.

"Now, as you girls know there are some serious things that come with your statement," Kingsley began.

Catherine cut him off.

"Look, I get it you're all part of the Order of Who Bloody Cares, but we simply came here to tell you that Oldy Voldy is back. He's dining at the Malfoys to pick up information on the Weasleys that I hid from him. That is all we really needed to say; we figured it was safer in person."

"That may be all you need to say, Catherine," Daphne remarked. "But you were at the center of his attention, so you didn't see nearly as much."

"What did she miss?" Lupin asked.

Daphne giggled, "Well, professor, it appears that they are planning an Azkaban breakout sometime in the future. I overheard Th-I mean a friend's father discussing it with Lucius Malfoy."

"Who will be released?"

"I only heard one name, and I know it's the one you lot would rather not hear. Lestrange."

"We can have extra guards placed on all Lestranges' cells. I think there's three of them, Robastian, Bellatrix, and Rudolphus," an official looking man said from the left of Mr. Weasley.

"Yes, I suppose so. I hope you don't mind me asking, Ms. Collins, but why would the Malfoys be incessant that you meet him?"

"Oh, she's betrothed to Draco, of course," Daphne said. Her filter had been cut off by the sight of her former childhood crush.

The table shot her uneasy looks.

"What dear Daphne means to say is that Voldy thinks that I am. Draco simply wanted to make old Lucius uncomfortable because, as you lot know, Lucius was there for Cedric's death."

"So, you aren't dating Malfoy?" Harry tried to keep his tone even.

Catherine inwardly smirked.

"Right, we aren't dating."

Flashes from Christmas night filled her head of Draco hovering over her making her beg for him. She quickly shook them away and hoped a blush wasn't covering her cheeks.

"So, what are the two of you going to do in the meantime?" Sirius asked.

Daphne half-smiled, "There's nothing we can do. We have the Masked Ball in a few weeks."

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