The first few days of fucking school🗿

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First day
I had my clothes ready the night before.

Am I the only one who looks at photos and thinks:
Wow. That could've been me, except I have strict parents, annoying siblings, social anxiety, and no friends? 😃

August 14th- kinda nervous now 😥
Today is my brother's birthday. Yesterday the nerves hit me.
I even have a whole list on how badly the first day is gonna go.
Bullying (reasoning)- I'm short. I'm Hispanic. I have barely any friends. I'm really shy at school.

Losing friends- The past few years (especially elementary school) I gain friends, but then I lose them. It was more like companions. Since then, I'm afraid to make new friends, and the two friends I do have, I'm afraid of losing them.

Accidentally gaining a drug addiction- school made it sound like it's easy to gain a drug addiction. And knowing how naive I am..

Going through depression- virtual school really took its toll on me. I went through a dark chapter (and I'm pretty sure most if not all of us did) and I don't want to go through that again, it was very draining.

Getting lost- I think that this fear is common and valid.

Failing my classes- I almost failed my 8th grade classes and that was very stressful. They gave us so much work and I was hardly able to keep up. Half the time I lacked motivation to continue.

Losing faith in humanity- if I walk in on Monday or Tuesday, and I see some questionable stuff, I might just walk out of there 😟

August 16th- the first day for freshman's 😃

August 17th- the first day for everyone

August 26th- Thursday
The first week of school was kinda shit. Not just school tho. Just life in general.
It wasn't like I could get away tho.

August 27th- Friday
More in depth.
I developed a crush on a boy.
But he ain't single 😭😭


ine ass mf 😩

ine ass mf 😩

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