"The allies you make are important, but never let them too close. You won't know who to trust until it's too late."

"Under no circumstance should you tell anybody who your father is if you can help it. Enemies could lie at every corner. And please, do write home often."

"You'll be sorted into your house in the Great Hall along with the first years, although you will be in your fourth year classes and dormitories as discussed," McGonagall assured her as they climbed a narrow set of stone steps, "The students won't be arriving for an hour, but the Headmaster wishes to speak to you first."

"Of course," Madeline replied, the first words she'd spoken since she'd introduced herself upon her arrival.

Changes like this should feel daunting, but to Madeline, they didn't. Hogwarts had a reputation that almost made things... Exciting.

To all but her own mother, Madeline was thought to have left her small French town in favour of an exciting 'scholarship' overseas, one which could carry her through to the end of her education despite her prior homeschooling. Her mother had once been a Beauxbatons Professor, proving to be the perfect educator for her daughter. It was no surprise for a girl of Madeline's skills to be invited to Hogwarts for her fourth year.

But the reality was much more bleak than a simple scholarship. Madeline wasn't safe in her own home, and unbeknownst to her, wouldn't be for a long time.

The two women stopped in front of a large phoenix gargoyle, its wings curved and glistening with golden stone feathers. Professor McGonagall stepped into the alcove, whispering a word to the gargoyle before stepping back next to Madeline. Almost instantly, the gargoyle twisted and turned, lifting to reveal a spiral staircase; the entrance to the Headmasters office.

"Go ahead," Professor McGonagall prompted, a small yet pointed smile on her face, "He's waiting for you."

Madeline nodded, placing her hand on the wall and briskly making her way up the stone steps. The gargoyle moved with her, turning and twisting and bringing her higher up. McGonagall was far gone by the time she'd reached the top, whisked off by the prospect of greeting the first year students. This left Madeline on her own, standing in front of a large gilded door, adorned with two large torches, lit with fire as bright as a phoenix itself.

She wiped her hands against her robes, surprisingly finding herself nervous, before knocking on the large door. It swung open instantly, as if it were expecting her. She supposed it was. She didn't need to be called in, walking through the doorway before the door could swing back onto her.

The room was intricately decorated with any and all magical objects you could possibly imagine. It wasn't very large, but it was most definitely taller than any other room she'd been in inside the castle. It was breathtaking, and a little overwhelming. Sure, it wasn't the perfectly sculpted marble arches of her own home, but it was still imposing and great in its own way. Her eyes scanned the dozens of shelves, stacked high with books upon books upon trinkets. Her gaze finally fell to the large desk in front of her, where a man slowly stood.

"Ah; good evening Miss Bisset," an old bearded man smiled as he stood, gesturing her towards an empty chair across his desk, "Care for a drink? A tea, perhaps?"

"No, thank you," she replied, seating herself slowly, "Are you a friend of my mothers?"

"Your father, actually," Dumbledore answered as he too sat down, peering at her over his half-moon spectacles, "I knew him for a short while. He was a great man; resourceful, and really quite clever."

"I have heard," Madeline answered, her eyes trained on the wooden desk and she sat on her hands. She almost added an 'I never got to meet him', but she was far smarter than putting herself in a vulnerable position within seconds of meeting this man.

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