Chapter 2: Arrival at Winterfell

Start from the beginning

During the rebellion 17 years ago, Jon Arryn cemented an alliance with House Tully of the Riverlands by marrying Lord Hoster's second daughter Lysa whilst Eddard married Lysa's older sister Catelyn after his older brother Brandon was executed along with their father Rickard during the Mad King's reign. Catelyn was originally betrothed to marry Brandon but was wed to Eddard when word arrived detailing Brandon's death. When the war ended, Jon Arryn welcomed the birth of his first and only child 10 years ago – Robin. One day the boy would've inherited Jon's lands and titles, but now it seems the boy will already do so.

"They both have their health. Gods be good," Catelyn answered thankfully. She then changed her tone. "The raven brought more news. The King rides for Winterfell. With the Queen and all the rest of them."

Ned studied his wife's words, tactfully coming to a decisive conclusion. "If he's coming this far North, then that means there's only one thing he's after."

Catelyn gently placed her hand onto her husband's. "You can always say no, Ned."

Ned ponders considering his wife's advice, feeling his place is at Winterfell.


In the Great Hall of Winterfell, preparations are being prepared for a great banquet in anticipation of the royal family's arrival. Catelyn was adamant that everything he set properly and tidy for her honored guests.

"We need plenty of candles for Lord Tyrion's chamber. I'm told he reads all night," she fussed.

"I'm told he drinks all night," answers Luwin, an elderly maester in service to the Starks.

"How much could he possibly drink? A man of his... stature."

"We've brought up eight barrels of ale from the cellar. Perhaps we'll find out."

Catelyn simply nods. "In any case, candles."

While the matriarch of House Stark oversees the banquet and other necessities, her eldest child Robb Stark (17) along with his bastard half-brother Jon Snow (17) and their father's ward Theon Greyjoy (18) get themselves trimmed.

"Why is your mother so dead-set on us getting pretty for the King?" asks Jon.

"It's for the Queen, I bet," Theon replies. "I hear she's a sleek bit of mink."

"Last I heard Daveth's made quite the name for himself these past nine years," Robb says as he gets finished shaving. "His brother, on the other hand, not so much. I hear Prince Joffrey is a right royal prick."

"What'd you expect? Daveth's the Crown Prince, and by far the most talented. Think of all those southern girls he gets to stab with his right royal prick."

Robb shakes his head. "No, Daveth's not like that. At least, I certainly hope not." As he's done, he grabs a towel to wipe his face. "Go on, Tommy, shave Jon good. He's never met a girl he likes better than his own hair."

Jon rolls his eyes whilst Theon and Robb laugh at the joke.

Nearby, atop the castle's towers, Brandon "Bran" Stark (10), the second son and fourth child named after his paternal uncle continues his adventurous climbing from perch to perch as he notices the royal procession approaching Winterfell. The boy then nimbly begins his descent down to tell everyone the news.

Elsewhere, Catelyn and Maester Luwin walk into the courtyard, passing by Bran's rapidly growing direwolf pup Summer. Summer was adopted with the rest of its siblings Grey Wind, Lady, Nymeria, and Shaggydog when Eddard Stark and his entourage came upon the pups and their deceased mother. At the request of Jon Snow, the pups were spared and each Stark child adopted one as their own.

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