{ dreams }

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"Promise you'll stay safe, okay?"
"Dad, I'll be fine. Promise!"
"Okay, promise to stay in touch while you're there. Love you (Y/N)"

I hung up on the phone and sighed. I just graduated college a week ago and I'll be moving to New York today. I took a sip out of my coffee cup and continued walking to the bus stop with my suitcase in my hand.
It was pretty late when the bus arrived. 8 o clock to be exact. I entered the bus and sat down on a seat near the back. I inserted my earphones in my ears and played a song on my phone. It was still early, so only a few people were in the bus.

I started humming to the song. Music and singing was always my passion. But I wanted to focus more on my career and well, I never had enough confidence to show my talents.

I opened Google Maps on my phone. I was getting nearer to New York. Only one more bus and I would get there.
There was also another location near the next stop. The name looked like it was glitching.


I yawned and propped my head into the window. Everybody had left the bus by now and only me and the bus driver were in the bus.
As the song finished, my eyelids started closing. And the bus continued driving.

The bus then halted. "Eyy! Here's your stop!" the driver yelled. I still felt sleepy but managed to get up. I left the money on the counter and walked out of the bus.
I stopped at a town near NYC from what Google Maps said. The town also happened to have a hotel. I needed some rest before I could go to New York so I decided to stay in the hotel.

"Enjoy your stay" the hotel staff told me and closed the door of my hotel room. There were posters on the walls promoting music and stuff. Probably for decoration. There was also a bed with white bedsheets spread on top of it. It was now 9 pm and it was getting late.
I lay down on the bed, with my headphones on and a song playing till I drifted off.
As I opened my eyes, sunlight seeped in through the window and I got up from bed.
I checked the time. 9 am. I should be getting to New York by now. I grabbed my suitcase from under my bed and exited the hotel room.
The last thing I noticed when exiting the room were the posters. One poster stood out from the rest.

As I entered the lobby of the hotel, I noticed how strange everything looked. The lobby was full of colours and the people looked colourful too. Strange skintones, strange hairstyles.
I looked like the odd one out, looking so natural out of all these exotic colours.

"Are you okay?" the bell boy asked me. "You seem to be daydrea-". "I AM DEFINITELY ALRIGHT!" I shouted. "I am just umm.. admiring the hotel lobby".
I continued walking towards the counter. This definitely was not a normal town. These definitely were not normal human people.
I left my hotel keys on the counter and payment too. I just wanted to find out where this city is.

My phone was still in my pocket.  I opened it up and checked Google Maps again. I needed to get to New York.
Except, New York wasn't there. I was in a place I didn't realise even existed.

"Vinyl City"

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