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- Basically roommates with Tim seeing as Tim can't sleep without him when he finally chooses to sleep

- Whenever he comes back from a mission he finds that a hoodie is missing.

- When Tim breaks down from embarrassment, he cuddles him and makes sure he knows it's ok

- He calls Tim : Teddy bear, Timmy, Sideburn man, and adorable. Rarely calls him hot unless he's shirtless

-  Low-key HATES that Tim rarely sleeps and tries to get him to sleep

- he knows Tim has insomnia, so he tries methods to get Tim to sleep like listening to ASMR (I listen to the girlfriend roleplay cause I'm attention deprived thanks to COVID)

- When they were filming Brian and Tim low-key adopted Jay. Brian tried to protect Jay when possible

CP, MH, and operator proxy HeadcanonsWhere stories live. Discover now