𝐂𝐇 • 𝟏

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In the streets of a City in South Korea, the air buzzed with excitement as the annual festival kicked off. Lanterns lit up the night, and the scent of street food wafted through the crowd.

Among the throngs of people, Jisoo moved through the crowd, her hand holding a sign that said

"Need help. Anything counts."

She approached folks, asking politely for some spare change, but one after another, they ignored her or hurried past.

Jisoo felt her heart sink with each rejection, but she kept trying.

Just when she felt like giving up, a kind old woman tapped her on the shoulder.

Without a word, the woman handed her a handful of coins and smiled before disappearing into the crowd.

Encouraged by this act of kindness, Jisoo kept asking, and slowly, people began to respond. As the night went on, Jisoo collected enough money to ease her worries, at least for a little while.

With the money she had collected, Jisoo hurried to a nearby bakery, her heart fluttering with anticipation.

The warm glow of the bakery's lights welcomed her as she stepped inside, the aroma of freshly baked bread enveloping her senses.

With a grateful smile, Jisoo approached the counter and selected a loaf of bread, carefully counting out the coins she had collected to pay for it.

The baker, a kind-faced man with flour-dusted hands, nodded with understanding as he accepted her payment.

Clutching the loaf of bread tightly, Jisoo exited the bakery and made her way through the quiet streets of her neighborhood.

With a sigh, Jisoo set the loaf of bread on the table of her mini house.

However, a sudden chill ran down her spine, reminding her of the abandoned house nearby—the one she had reluctantly made her own after circumstances had left her with nowhere else to turn.

Feeling a strange pull, Jisoo made her way to the abandoned house, its weather-beaten facade standing as a testament to its neglect. With a creak, she pushed open the door and stepped inside, the musty scent of abandonment filling her nostrils.

"Y/n?" she called out, her voice echoing through the empty rooms. Y/n was her closest friend, the one who had stood by her through thick and thin.

But lately, Y/n had been distant, disappearing without a word for days on end.

As Jisoo moved through the dusty corridors, her heart clenched with worry.

She knew that Y/n often sought solace in the abandoned house, a place where they had shared countless memories together. But today, the house felt eerily silent, devoid of any signs of life.

"Y/n, where are you?" Jisoo called out again, her voice trembling with fear. But only the sound of her own echo greeted her, mocking her desperation.

In the dimly lit living room of the abandoned house, a small figure huddled in the corner, clutching their knees to their chest.

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