Chapter One

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a/n- yeah so ok this book is in vic and kellin POV unless stated other wise.

Vic's POV *present day*

The park is so quiet at night, it's lovely. I always walk around at night and the park is by far my favourite. I have no friends, so being alone is natural for me. Right now I'm waiting for my little brother Mike and his friend Jaime, they are two very hyper dudes. They are both into drugs, drinking and partying, that's not my scene, so now I'm the one who has to drive them home when they get arrested.

My favourite bench is under a tall tree in the back of the park, this bench is were I met the guy who ruined my life, Alex Gaskarth. That's a story for later, right now I'm concentrating on the two men,one shorter than the other, both around my age, walking through the park right in front of me. They don't even see me but I see them, and I wish I hadn't, both men have shoulder length black hair and bright blue, almost shining, eyes, and blood dripping down their faces from the mouth.

"Excuse me, are you okay?" I yell to them as my caring side kicks in. They freeze in their tracks and turn at the same time. "I'm sorry?" the short one asks in a confused high pitched voice trying to wipe the red away. "Uhm....I... I saw the blood and asked if you were okay, Im sorry, I 'll leave you be. Enjoy your night." I stammered out quickly and turned to walk away. I gasp in fright as I walk into someone, I look up and it is the taller guy. "You won't be going anywhere." He states in a deep voice, I think I just melted, that sounds wierd. "I'm sorry I bothered you, please don't hurt me, I don't...." I was cut off by his hand over my mouth. "A, leave him be, he didn't mean anything by what he asked." the short guy said, A as the guy calls him, looks up at him then back to me. "My friend Kells just saved your sorry ass!" he says calmly and pushes me down "Loser."

"Was that necessary?" Kells askes A as I get up and speed walk away. I turn my head, they are gone. I stop and turn my whole body, did I just imagine that. I don't keep dwell on it, I am now terrified so I start to run.

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