
"So we're still running it through the system, but you know, white, 19 to 21" Adam said. 

"There are a lot of white guys in Canaryville got one foot in crime" Jay mentioned. 

"Forensics is hoping blood samples from the street fight aren't too contaminated. They may get a match in CODIS, but its a long shot" I say. 

"So I pulled up as much footage as I could from traffic cams within a three mile radius of that diner, and all I got is one shot of this SUV" Kevin informed us and put up a picture. 

"One shot? How is that even possible" Vanessa asked. 

"Because whoever it is knew what streets to avoid, and they kept blind damn near the whole time. Now I did as much homework as I could, but all we got is this torn off sticker that we can't even throw in the system" Kevin responded. 

"You don't have to. I know this. My dad's got one. It's from a locals only bar. Well, I they lost their liquor license. Too many vice calls, so club is probably more accurate, but I definitely know it" Adam said. 

"All right, you and Ln, check it out" Voight said.

It didn't take long for us to arrive at the club, and when I climbed out of Adam's car, I pulled my jacket closer to my body. Sometimes I loved Chicago weather, but on the other hand, I hated it. I was more of a 50-60 degree sort of person. Anything below 50 was too cold for me, and that's about how cold it was outside today. As I stepped inside, I was suddenly the center of attention, and some of the men wolf whistled at me.

"Um, can you handle this on your own" I ask Adam.

"Why? You don't like being the center of attention" Adam joked.

"Nope. I'll be waiting outside" I say.

Adam got the security footage from the club, and when we got back to the district, we ran through it. Finally, we caught sight of a black van with a torn sticker. We ran the plates through the database, and we got a hit.

"Ben Wilcomb. White, 20 years old, two priors for assault and attempted armed robbery when he was a minor. Grew up in Canaryville. The kid's never been outside the borders of New City. Got kicked out Tilden High at 16, in and out of juvie, zero social media, but he's pure canary. Juvie records got him with his address tattooed on him twice" Adam informed the team. 

"Okay, last known" Voight asked. 

"Uh, an apartment off of 42nd, but we're having some problems with the SUV. It was reported as stolen to CPD three weeks ago" I say. 

"He's covering" Jay spoke. 

"Right. So I'm pretty sure those plates are probably in a river by now" I say. 

"All we have on him is that car and the sketch. It's nowhere near enough" Kim explained. 

"We could bring him in" Jay suggested. "But he grew up in Canaryville and juvie. He's not going to crack." 

"Well, we need to make a positive ID. Get a six pack in front of Nick, and get coverts on Ben's apartment. Let's keep eyes on this kid until we can move. Let's put his ass at these robberies" Voight said.


"Did we build it up" Voight asked. 

"No, we got nothing to build with, Sarge. Ben's phone was off during the hits so we got no GPS, no calls or texts to link to the robbery" Jay answered. 

"Accomplices are the same. Running Ben's circle up against robbery priors there's like eight dozen guys it could be. They all fit" Vanessa added. 

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