𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟒𝟔

Start from the beginning

    "Wow, this brings back so many memories," I start, "I remember the first Vogue Magazine I ever had was the one my mom was on, my gran bought it for me. It's honestly so surreal that 7 years later, I'm here right now."

    "I'd like to talk about how it felt living in their shadow," Jonathan starts, and I nod, motioning for him to continue, "I don't mean this in an offensive way, but how did that feel?"

    "Honestly? I didn't really realize I was living in someone else's shadow. I mean, when your parents are famous, the whole world expects their kids to be as well, which is why my parents left me in the care of my grandmother, they wanted me to live a normal life, but I wanted to share my music, and become a model. I never really thought I would be successful, hence my inability to take risks sometimes, but someone taught me that it was okay to take risks."

    This made Jonathan smirk, and I knew what he was thinking, because his next words made me chuckle, "And who is this someone?"

    "I'm sure everyone knows, but Harry taught me that taking risks is not a scary thing. Since then, I've started to take risks." I shrug, and Jonathan nods, looking over his notes before he asks another question.

    "Speaking of Harry Styles," He starts, making me smirk, "Aside from taking risks, what else have you learned from your relationship?"

    "Wow, that's a hard one. Well, loving Harry has made me vulnerable, and I've never ever been vulnerable. He's the kind of guy you wouldn't be scared of opening up to, because he's captivating, and when he listens, he listens. So I guess he taught me that it's okay to be vulnerable, and open, to an extent."

    "You've recently written songs about him, on your Flutter album, how does that make you feel? Being so open writing about him and your love, I mean."

    "Well, I guess that's a part of what Harry taught me as well," I shrug, "I wasn't really scared of putting those songs out there, especially with how obvious that it was about Harry. Music has always been a safe escape for me, and like I've said in the past, every single thing you write about is from your experience. When people listen to my songs, their first instinct is to find who it's about, but when they listen to it again, the shared feeling of knowing what it's like to love, get your heart broken, and finally moving on settles. Everyone experiences love, heartbreak, and sadness, and as a songwriter, it's my job to put those feelings into a song that relates to people."

    "Beautifully said, McKenna," Jonathan smiles, and it's the kind of smile that's in awe, "You've dated Brooklyn Beckham, Harry Styles, and recently, Dylan Parker, what have you learned from those relationships?"

    "Hmm, well, with Brooklyn, I guess with him I learned to let go, and have fun. We would always go to the beach, go surfing and it was really fun playing soccer with his dad," I started off, which made Jonathan part his lips in shock.

    "You did not play soccer with David Beckham! I didn't even know you could play soccer?" Jonathan exclaims, and I nod, laughing.

    "I played soccer when I was in high school, and when Brooklyn found out, we played with his dad a few times. With Dylan, I learned how to value my privacy. I'm not dissing Dylan in anyway, but with everything being put on the internet, you kind of have to take a step back and assess the amount of things you put on there. Privacy is very valuable, especially with people like my family."

    "Does this have anything to do with the scandal your family was once in?" Jonathan asks, and I nod, "Could you tell us more about that?"

    "Well, when that news broke out, it really hit my family hard, especially my mom. It was just a person wanting their 5 seconds of fame, which hurt us deeply because we thought we could trust him. Since the case was highly publicized, every single thing we were doing was put on the media, and we were criticized. That's why there are days where I don't go on social media as well, there's so much toxicity on there that is so harmful to people's mental health."

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