Rewriting soon

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The next morning I did what I always do and get prepared for matches wished everyone good luck and was on my way. Then the thought occurred to me, I ended up in this manor from death but why isn't there a lot more here because death happens every second after all. With that in mind I just did as per usual got all the survivors and chaired them. When they launched off I walked off, but today I wanted to not follow one rule.

The rule is "when matches are done head back to the manor as soon as possible." But I wanted to walk around for a minute longer. After all this area chosen for our match looks like my old town. I seen familiar buildings, places I used to visit frequently, and where I used to work. I then realized I was taking too long and was on my way back to the manor.

When I walked in everyone stared at me, although I wondered why I didn't ask I just walked over to Jack and wanted to ask him my thought from earlier, I said "Jack why is it that when I died I came here, I know more people die each year so why aren't there more like me?" Jack replied "hm. Well michiko, he seen you had potential that not just anyone has." Confused I said "who?" And he looks me in the eye and says, "the owner of the manor."

I sat down on my bed, I was really at a loss for words "what potential do I have?" I said out loud without thinking. I decided to go to the kitchen and get some tea, I didn't want to think about this any longer. Walking down the hall I finally get to where I needed to go. That's when I notice someone else is in there with me. I started to keep my guard up after well how I died. The person slowly walks out of the dark corner and comes into the light where I can see them better, That's when I realize who it is.

"Leo what are you doing sneaking around like that?" Leo replies "I was looking around for a drink, Though you shouldn't ask what I'm doing it isn't your business." After being replied to rudely I just made a face of disgust at this man and walked back to my room. It was dark and gloomy, I look over to my wall and see my picture of miles. I smile a bit and say to the picture "Miles you wouldn't believe a thing I tell you but this place is confusing me for example-" I then went on to ranting on about the weird things that have happened to me. After awhile I got tired so I kissed my drawing of miles and hung it back up, I said "goodnight miles. I really really miss you." And slowly drifted off to sleep.

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