Chapter 1: The Job

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Waverly is over the moon.
The job she applied for over summer has just gotten back to her with a clear demand for her to begin next month. The young brunette had been waiting all summer to get the news, and for a while there, she believed it would never come. As she closed her emails and sat her computer down, a taller girl opened the fly-screen door behind where she was sitting on the Homestead porch.

"Nonna!" Waverly whipped around and shouted within inches of her sisters ears

Wynonna's eyes shot open in surprise as she clasped her hands to her ears to avoid whatever Waverly was going to hit her with next, and spilling her freshly brewed coffee all over her leather boots below.

"I didn't do it, I swear!" Wynonna replied before re-cupping her ears to avoid a barrage of accusations from her little sister. (The usual reason for Waverly raising her voice at her sibling.)

"What?- No, Wynonna!" Waverly laughed as she removed Wynonna's hands from blocking her next words.

"I got the job! Im starting at Purgatory High next month! They just emailed me!" she squealed. Waverly was now robot dancing in the cool breeze before Wynonna, as the older sister recovered from her initial jump-scare.

"Baby-girl! One, please stop dancing like that so help me god, TWO-  Put it fuckin' here sis!" She hollered at her now 'excitedly stepping from one foot to the other' sister. She pulled out the silver flask she kept on her at all times, and flipped open the cap to offer her sister a drink.

"Nonna it's nine in the morning." she said sternly before eyeing the flask for a little longer. "Screw it, I just got my first teaching job! God, Wynonna i was beginning to think they were never going to get back to me!" she babbled as she grabbed the flask and poured some of the burning liquid into her mouth.

Wynonna watched her with a proud smile. 

"And although i'm super fuckin' excited for you about this, I was beginning to think my shoes looked super great without coffee all over them! but look at us." Wynonna looked at her little sister with a little hint of annoyance. 

Her sister replied with a great big bear hug.

"Thank you Wynonna. for letting me stay here while I sorted all my stuff out."

Wynonna released her and looked at her with a great big grin.

"Baby girl this is your home too. I don't need to let you do anything. You're always welcome here. You know that." Wynonna replied sincerely.

Waverly looked down at her feet as the wind picked up around them.

"I know that. And i'm grateful for you and Doc sharing your space so well. too well, sometimes. seriously, Nonna we have super thin walls and-" Wynonna cut her off.

"Hey, I'm the one with the new born baby. Surely that means i'm entitled to a little bit of 'noise' if ya know-what-i-mean." She playfully punched her sister's shoulder.

Waverly made a sickened face and shivered dramatically. "I really don't... want to know what you mean. But I'm serious. It's time for you guys to have this place together with Alice for a while. Not just for you guys, but for me. I love being here with you, but i also need my own space. And this job will mean i can afford to!" She said enthusiastically. 

Wynonna reached for her sisters hands and held them out in-between them.

"Of course. Just remember there's no rush. And don't go too far! I'll need you for your aunty duties often. so don't think you've escaped the 'wrath of Alice's full diaper'." she said with a wink before closing the distance once more, holding Waverly in a tight hug.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl, I really am. Now come inside. Some shit-head made me spill my coffee." she quipped back before releasing her sister, and heading back inside the homestead.

Waverly giggled and followed her, with an extra pep in her step from the impending excitement for her new job.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2020 ⏰

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